Howdy folks! I've been absent from the boards for a few months. As some of you know, I had been experiencing some personal difficulties. I was blessed by the members of this forum and some kind folks sent me a few pipes and some tobacco to tide me through. Shortly after that I reverted to smoking cigarettes again, I suspect due to the stress (suspect my butt - it was totally due to the stress). So I quit smoking all tobacco products until I managed to quit smoking the cigarettes. It was safer and smarter for me not to visit the forums for a bit while I did that.
Buuuuuuuuuut . . . now I'm not smoking cigarettes and have taken the pipe back up. And, though things aren't perfect, things are much better for my family now. So, being it was recently my birthday and all, I decided to get a new pipe. The first new pipe that I have purchased in quite some time. And, I decided to take the plunge into American Artisan carvers, going with one of the most experienced yet affordable (for me) carvers, Mark Tinsky. In my favorite shape, the bulldog, in a finish that is uniquely Tinsky's, the Black and Tan. It came today, can't wait to smoke it!
Buuuuuuuuuut . . . now I'm not smoking cigarettes and have taken the pipe back up. And, though things aren't perfect, things are much better for my family now. So, being it was recently my birthday and all, I decided to get a new pipe. The first new pipe that I have purchased in quite some time. And, I decided to take the plunge into American Artisan carvers, going with one of the most experienced yet affordable (for me) carvers, Mark Tinsky. In my favorite shape, the bulldog, in a finish that is uniquely Tinsky's, the Black and Tan. It came today, can't wait to smoke it!