You're trying to make this too complicated as you search for sometimes elusive answers.
First, leather seats might make the driving experience nicer while not increasing performance. Just as the comfortable feel of a well finished briar in the hand will enhance a good blend.
For most of the members the pipe smoking experience is not simply the pipe and how it performs. For some there is the search for the right blend or, simply the fun of trying different blends. For others, it is the pipe. Some collect brands, some shapes, some antiques, etc. Pipe smoking is not, hell, it cannot be a one size fits all.
As no one, including yourself at this time, knows exactly what you are searching for in the way of answers to your questions. Some of the members have tried and you are either slow to grasp or we aren't using the right words. Many of the answers to the questions you ask you will have to find on your own through actually trying different brands, shapes, etc.
You can't enjoy the pipe by only reading and writing about it. Somewhere along the line you have to simply trust yourself, accept that you don't know all of the answers and probably not even the right questions at this point.
Pitchfork has it right, in a few months you will have discovered many of the answers on your own, you will grasp some of the answers above better and, I hope, you will understand some of our frustrations in trying to assist you.
One last piece of advice, members understand your enthusiasm but, in a couple of responses you have gone from asking advised and then challenging that which was offered. If we take offense and resent that approach you now understand why. You've asked, we responded as best we can and then you wish to debate the matter. Take the advice or don't but, don't try and debate. Most of are too old and set in our ways to enjoy that sort of communication.
I'm done here. The dead horse and all that.