Well done sir. Now I see the subtly of the sarcasm. Well played.I guess my sarcasm didn’t come through. I just ordered 10 more tins.
Nope, It's a beast like no other. But, you might like Peterson Irish Whiskey, it's in a similar realm. Very strong, and delicately topped. Similar how the topping for RY is, you really don't notice it much.Those of you who have, is there anything else out there that’s similar? Just wondering
I have a tin of 3Ps I need to open, never had it. I enjoy Va and VaPer, but I'm more of an English fan.Now it's back in my rotation along with Peterson 3Ps.
I too was a little unsure during the first 1/4 of the bowl but the weird imagined glue like flavor evolved into a yeasty tingly treat. Did I just smoke a beer?I tried RY and thought it was the vilest thing on the planet. Tried it again, my opinion didn't change. To each their own though. I know many people love it. That's why there are so many different blends, different tastes.
Yeah, I had the same concerns but even though it is a strong blend, it isn't harsh. It's actually pretty smooth and it burns really nice.but the rumoured strength and polarized opinions on the blend itself made me make a safer bet - I bought some Navy Rolls instead.
I assume the age sweetens it up some? I could handle that.I'm in the love-it camp! It's especially good after 4-5 years of aging.