when our second was born I was going to take our oldest to the movies. My wife was strangely bothered by being home alone with the baby. I was annoyed at the time. Then I realized something was up. She was having mild postpartum depression. I felt like an ass for being annoyed at her. So the fix for me was to ask if she would like to take our oldest to the movies and I would stay home with the baby. She decided that was what she wanted to do. She came home feeling better and that's what we all want. I missed the LEGO movie. Big wuup! Great movie I saw it two weeks later because my oldest wanted to see it again. So be flexible, go with the flow. This shit has a way of working itself out.
So that and you may not know but lots of women have breastfeeding anxiety and troubles and sorry dude but your going to have lots of talks about feelings and emotions. Just have patience because this will pass. Give her time to do simple stuff like get her hair cut. Go to the grocery store by herself. Get some to go food so she doesn't have to cook.easy stuff like that. The plus side is you get to spend time with your little dude. Dive in and take charge. She will remember that for a long time.