First attempt.....Epic failure

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Part of the Furniture Now
Dec 28, 2011
I'm still working on my technique after a year and a half of smoking. To be honest, even though most people might disagree, the stuff and puff method works for me. Don't over think it is the best advise I can give. Also, there is no shame in having to relight. Don't get frustrated just keep puffin! :puffy:



Dec 12, 2012
First: Welcome!
Second: I gotta give you props for your start. It may have felt like a failure to you, but you are armed with what I'm guessing is a good-quality meerschaum and a quality aromatic tobacco. You're already ahead of many first-timers! :)
Everyone else has already offered a range of tips and advice. So I'll just say, "Give it time." I'm not sure any one of us here fell in love with a pipe from the very first puff. We typically start with a cheap tobacco or a cheap pipe -- and had no idea whatsoever what we were doing! But there was something special about the experience that kept us searching for the blends and the pipes that had the power to transform that initial awkward, biting experience into something revelatory.
And, hey, you've still got about 1,000 blends to try before you can give up! :)



Nov 24, 2012
I think you just described me 45 days ago. I'm "different" now. (thank God)



May 26, 2012
Sarasota Florida
easterntraveler, welcome to the forum. You have received some great advice. I will add that when you are done loading your pipe check the draw, it should have some resistance, but not too much. It should feel like sipping through a straw. Also dry your tobacco for at least an hour and then do the pinch test. Most aromatics are very wet. It may take as long as 3 hours to properly dry it. I have blends that take that long and they are not aromatics. Nothing is worse than wet tobacco that is not packed properly. Also make sure you have plenty of pipe cleaners. If you hear a gurgle, use a pipe cleaner to soak up excess moisture. You will also need to keep your pipes clean, there are many videos showing how to clean a pipe. Above all, patience is your friend. Pipe smoking is unlike any other form of smoking, there is a large learning curve, but once you get it, the benefits are incredible. Do not be afraid to ask questions, that is what we are here for.



Dec 11, 2012
Welcome to the forum!
I'm still learning, myself, but I can second or third the recommendations above - I've gotten a lot of useful tips from the folks in here, both directly in response to some of my early postings and indirectly (as in I perused the Beginner's forum in detail for a couple of weeks before I bought my first pipe).
It's only an epic failure if it convinces you to quit. :wink:



Sep 23, 2011
First welcome. Second, you have done what every pipe smoker has done since weed went into a pipe. Don't despair, you will have an A-HA moment when it all comes together, and then it will be bliss. :puffy:



Dec 31, 2012
Consider the moisture level of the tobacco. I'm also a beginner, and several kind people here pointed me toward drying tobacco or considering other blends that might work well with my pipe. Packing and tamping were definitely techniques that needed refining, lighter tamping that only just touches the ash, and packing for consistent airflow all the way through pipe and bowl.
But about the blends: my first tobacco was Captain Black (white package). The standard American aromatic with plenty of casing and shelf-life-extending preservatives ("goop", as it is often called on these forums). The result I was getting is that in my rather short pipe, it would either burn hot, giving me that spice-like tongue bite, or it would go out. I ended up puffing hard enough to keep it lit, which would make it hot, and create a cycle of negative effort there.
I was able to calm down the Capt Black a bit by drying it before a smoke. That helped it stay lit longer, but it still wasn't ideal for me and my pipe. After that I tried out another blend with less "goop" in it, Lane Limited: Burley Mild (reviews here).
The result was it burned slowly and evenly, and it helped me understand how much of a factor the tobacco blend itself plays in the burning. It's the fuel and the flavor.

After having this comparatively positive, relaxing experience, I was able to return to the Capt Black with greater understanding and get a better smoke out of it, too.
Hope this anecdote helps. Cheers!



Part of the Furniture Now
Dec 29, 2012
First I would like to thank everyone for the support. As I write this message the Mac Baren is drying and I am preparing for roung 2 . After getting a hang of this I will be looking for an estate pipe to pick up. I have a thing for older items and keeping them alive.



Part of the Furniture Now
Dec 29, 2012
My second attempt was a 100 percent more plesent. However I do not believe I am packing to bowl enou

gh. When I puff sounds like a wind tunnel and I get no resistance at all. However the light lasted for about 40 minutes and only a few times I got a little tinge on my tongue. THANK YOU AGAIN



Can't Leave
Sep 23, 2012
good luck to you. keep trying, practice makes perfect, sounds like your last load was alittle loose, tapping should take care of that. iam glad your having better smokes now. it gets easier as you go along.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jun 7, 2011
Unless your friends are looking at you in shock, and amazement, and wondering if you are ok or on drugs it wasn't an epic failure.



Dec 31, 2012
Welcome indeed! No failure in my are still going and that's what counts! Failure to me would have been never trying it again. Imagine if you stopped riding a bike after your first fall! I will quote rmbittner for reference on my meager offering.
This is pretty much my first experience in a nutshell.

We typically start with a cheap tobacco or a cheap pipe -- and had no idea whatsoever what we were doing!
This next statement could not have been written better IMHO. Such was my personal experience, the search or if you will 'The Quest' has pulled me in.

But there was something special about the experience that kept us searching for the blends and the pipes that had the power to transform that initial awkward, biting experience into something revelatory.

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