Wow, this thread really blew up in the past few days! I seriously like how it became a mini show-off-your-ashton's-here as well as a plethora of ashton knowledge thread. Thank you all for providing all the pics and very useful knowledge regarding the Ashton brand of pipes, i definitely learned a thing or two while sporting more than a couple Ashton boners, lol.
I have read the above posted Ashton story by R.D. Field and have many times drooled over all the beauties that are included within.
As a side note, i lost out by 1 bid on another gorgeous Ashton from the same seller last night. I used esnipe to boot, but the sniper was out-sniped by some asshole out there (unless said asshole was a member on here, then congrats i am happy for you). Someone still got a deal at a little over $150 ($150 was my high bid). Oh well, as i said before, there will ALWAYS be another!
Check out the blast on this bad boy!