Finally, A Thread About How Great 1Q And Carter Hall Are!

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Sep 1, 2011
1-Q satisfies my sweet tooth. It is not a tobacco ya over think. You like that sweet vanilla toasted marshmallow thing or not. I keep a jar of it on hand.
I have never tried carter hall.



Can't Leave
May 4, 2012
I love carter hall. I have been using it to cut down Autumn Evening lately, and it works great for that. I find that about 80/20 CH/AE is the right mix for me. I agree with Roth that 1Q is mild enough on its own to not have to cut it.



Might Stick Around
Feb 27, 2013
With all this talk of these two blends, I think I'm going to have to try them. I saw 1Q in bulk on P&C for like $26 a pound.



Jul 2, 2010
Well, as a tribute to Roth, I put in a big TADLODE to 4Noggins. Got some Carter Hall and Walnut coming, along with Weybridge, Mac Baren Burley London Blend and Painter Hills.
But, wait, that's not all. In a wild and crazy night, I also put in an order to Smokingpipes for Vintage Flake, Dunhill Flake, University Flake, Special Brown Flake and Old Dark Fired.
G'nmen. It is time to step up the game!



Dec 12, 2012
You know, I haven't tried 1Q since the 80's, when I worked at a Tinder Box (where it's sold as Wilshire). I remember liking it okay -- I was a brand-new pipe smoker -- but for an aromatic, I definitely preferred TB's North Sea, which at that time was the chain's #1 selling aromatic. (It may still be.) As I understand it, North Sea is a rebrand of Stokkebye's Nougat, which Stokkebye says is their best-sellling blend as well.
Nowadays, I almost never smoke an aromatic -- maybe 2 or 3 times a year -- but this thread has me wondering if I should revisit some of these aromas from my past. . .
EDIT: Done! Just ordered 2oz of Stokkebye's Nougat from Of course, with a bulk like this, I'm actually paying more for shipping than I'm paying for the tobacco! (And I'm not holding out any expectations of falling in love with this stuff. . . But aromas/flavors definitely trigger memories for me, and I have lots of great memories from the days when this was a frequent smoke.)

Aug 14, 2012
My personal journey, as you put it is this. I heard 1Q was a great & popular tobacco. I ordered 4 oz. I tried to smoke it. It was sweet & awful. I emptied the pipe and tried to give the unsmoked 1Q away. Nobody wanted it. I tossed it. Boring journey.



Nov 20, 2012
A month or so ago I bought a 2oz pouch of CH to try. I found it to be a great mixer with nice smoking characteristics. It had a nice thick smoke and burned well. I found it quite boring by itself but when mixed 50/50 with an aromatic or English... nice! My favorite mix so far is CH/Autumn Evening. CH won't replace my flakes but it is a good smoke. Hence (I love the word "hence"), I bought a large tub of CH in my last TAD. I also found CH is great for reducing tongue-bite in bitey blends.



Nov 25, 2012
1Q is a very nice smooth tobacco that always amazes me with how pleasant it is each time I smoke a bowl. It has surely become my favourite go to tobacco. It seems that some look down on this blend for some reason. I can't understand why, maybe its not expensive enough lol.

+1 brassonly, why all the hate for affordable easy smoking baccies?



Dec 14, 2009
Birmingham, AL
I suppose I'll add my two cents...
I have enjoyed 1Q since day one. While my tastes have changed over time, I still love ma-Q.

I find that smoking "the good stuff" can become mundane and lose some of its luster.

When the flavors and nuances of boutique blends lose their luster... it's time for a palate reset.

I'll smoke 1Q exclusively for a day or two, sometimes a whole week, and enjoy it immensely.

Then when I pack a bowl of G.L. Pease Haddo's Delight, Mac Baren Plumcake Navy Blend, Sillem's Schwarz/Black, or PS-LBF (with a pinch of Perique)...

It's like reminiscing with a total stranger... a lot of fun and an opportunity not to be missed.

While I love 1Q on its own merits, it definitely has secondary use...

Making those boutique blends special.... all over again.




Might Stick Around
Feb 27, 2013
I have a question about 1-Q: Can you really taste the flavoring throughout the bowl? When I first began to smoke pipe tobacco, my local Tinder Box tobacconist started me on an assortment of aros. I remember smoking them and thinking, hey, where's the flavor? The bag says "nougat" but I don't taste any nougat! At least for the first 2/3 of the bowl. Then I started to taste something. So, is that the way 1-Q is, or is the flavoring more up front? I'm tempted to buy some, partly because it's so darn cheap and partly because all you guys are talking about it, but I want a flavor I can actually taste.



Can't Leave
Feb 20, 2013
Just tried CH for the first time, and I'm extremely impressed overall. Gonna pack another in a bit.....

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