Filters--cure for cough?

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Aug 21, 2011
I am a new pipe smoker coming from roll-your-own (RYO) cigarettes.
Since I've been into the pipe (about 3-4 mos.), I've been clearing my throat often of a lot of mucous and phlegm (for me). I thought this was bizarre, since I smoked RYO's for 25 yrs. and never had this problem. I'm inhaling a lot less now, having nearly jettisoned my RYO in favor of pipes.
I still do inhale a bit now & then to get the nicotine, because cigs to pipe is a tough transition to make. You are totally addicted to the N. when you smoke cigs.
But I don't inhale nearly as much as when my smoking was wholly RYO.
Could it be that the small inhaling I'm doing is more pernicious than the cig inhaling because pipe baccies are stronger and unfiltered? I always smoked my RYO's with a filter. Could a pipe filter do the trick of filtering out the tars that may be irritating my lungs? What do people think of Dr. Grabow's filters, do they compromise on the flavor and satisfaction from smoking a pipe?
Please help, I don't want to stop smoking my pipes, I love it!
Then again, it could be just an allergen, mild bacteria infection or something. It seemed like there was more pollen in the air this summer where I live.



Mar 9, 2010
Probably clearing out 25 years of crap from smoking cigarettes. Filters in my opinion will not make a difference.



Jun 25, 2011
cleveland NC
as an ex 3 pack a day smoker i have the cough as well and i really do think it is not so much the pipe but the lungs trying to clean up



Part of the Furniture Now
May 8, 2011
Southland NZ
I am a ex 20 + smoker i noticed it too. I am sure its the lungs decongesting, well thats what i told myself :D



Part of the Furniture Now
May 23, 2010
Drink while you smoke and see if that helps some. Most of us will often smoke with a beverage of some kind. I'm an iced tea drinker this time of year.



Jun 21, 2011
Yep, It's the crap coming out now, it will stop in a few more weeks or years.



Oct 6, 2009
I'm an ex cigarette smoker also, over 35 years. I have a pipe going almost continually while I'm awake.I've found that since I do smoke a lot the filters helps keep my tongue from being baked well done.Can't say whether or not they would make it any safer to inhale pipe smoke or not,and like you I do inhale-some. Not so much for the nicotine, but more for the feel of the smoke entering my lungs.Try the filters,you may find they suit you--or not. Pick up a couple of filtered cobs or Dr. G. or Medico. They can be smoked without the filter if you find you don't like them.



Aug 21, 2011
Thank you all for all your replies.
Yes, it happens the most in the AM, and diminishes somewhat later in the day.
Maybe it's because that's when I do most of my inhaling. I take a few drags in the AM to jumpstart my nicotine fix. Then I don't usually inhale at all until just before bedtime to soothe me.
I'll give the filters a try for the heck of it, it can't hurt.
In time hopefully I will find the need to inhale even less frequently and my lungs will clear out.
Yes, fluids seem to help. I've heard that ginger lemon tea helps loosen & clear up phlegm & congestion, so I've been drinking a lot of that.

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