in Europe, the blends are made to be smoked with filters...
Does that mean any blends, er, blended in Deutschland or Denmark should be smoked in my Vauen? And leave the unfiltered pipes for those blended on this side of the pond? :?
in Europe, the blends are made to be smoked with filters...
in Europe, the blends are made to be smoked with filters...
Mike - I've not smoked a Brigham. But, I have two that I've purchased as part of estate pipe lots, and want to try. How many smokes do you get per filter before they go 'sour', or simply need replacing? And, where do you get your replacements? I'd like to grab some new filters and try these; Brigham has a very different approach to pipe filtering.the maple filter on my Brigham is a hollow tube of wood that absorbs moisture.