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Sep 14, 2011
I recently asked about how to filter the forum so I see only the topics I am interested in. I chose the wrong wording for the title, and the thread turned into a shit show.
I discovered how to do what I wanted. By adding the topics I want to "watched forums" and "watched threads", as appropriate,
and then using the Watched section on the forum drop down, I don't see the topics I am not interested in. Since I do not have to wade through all of that extraneous stuff, I find that I am participating more in the forum.
I post this solely for the benefit of any others who may want to do something similar, and have not found those tools. Mods, please feel free to lock this thread. I see no need to read comments from people who think it is "sad" that I want to make forum usage easier and more pleasant.
Jud, I am happy that you have found a way to participate more. That's great!! It was you who turned me on to a lot of great burley blends, especially Cube Cut. And, folks need this sort of information.

We are really different though. While I enjoy reading your posts, I also enjoy rolling up my sleeves and getting dirty in a good scrap too, ha ha. But, that doesn't mean that I don't value the hell out of your posts. Keep them coming.


Sep 14, 2011
Jud, I am happy that you have found a way to participate more. That's great!! It was you who turned me on to a lot of great burley blends, especially Cube Cut. And, folks need this sort of information.

We are really different though. While I enjoy reading your posts, I also enjoy rolling up my sleeves and getting dirty in a good scrap too, ha ha. But, that doesn't mean that I don't value the hell out of your posts. Keep them coming.
Thanks. I used to post a lot more, when I first joined - you might note that I have been here close to 10 years. It all got so big, there was just too much. I tend to come out here and look once a day, usually while having my first bowl of the day - and these days, that tends to be a burley blend in a cob. Just seems to work right for me.
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