Generally no, rarely if ever. I've tried with paper filters and Savinelli balsa, but I don't have moisture problems otherwise, and find that they mute the flavor to the degree that all of the nuance and complexity of blends is lost. As is said of filtered cigarettes, it tends to just encourage you to smoke more to capture the taste you miss. I smoke very moderately, a bowl or two a day, sometimes none, so when I smoke a pipe, I want full flavor. The one standing exception is a Kaywoodie Drinkless Ruff-Tone which requires the stinger to attach the stem, and it smokes quite well, with good flavor. The other aspect of filters is that it is one more item to buy, maintain, and replace, and that diminishes the ritual to some degree. With Savs and Dr. Grobows I just use the Sav 6 mm adaptor to give me the slightly more focused draw I prefer, and this makes these pipes just what I like. When I can, I buy the Savs (or Rossis made by Sav) without filters.