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Part of the Furniture Now
Feb 7, 2012
Don't like stingers, have removed all from pipes that had them. I use filters with cobs, and have some briars with the balsa filters that I sometimes use the filters, mostly not. Still kinda on the fence about the balsa ones.



Dec 28, 2011
Topeka, KS
That's one of the problems about asking for an opinion around here.
You're going to get lots of opinions.
Dry your tobacco and then burn a few bowls with and then without a filter.
You'll find your way: one light or ten, straight or bent, rusticated or smooth, wet or dry. It doesn't matter, pal. Find your path and then don't be afraid to wander.
The journey is the reward.
And after a quick edit my post sounds like a bunch of Zen horseshit. (Sorry, bub. That wasn't my intent.) You have to experiment.



Can't Leave
Aug 25, 2013
Filters--sometimes, particularly on new blends or those that have a tendency to bite. Also use filters with cobs. Stingers--no



Apr 1, 2013
Blends that bite: go into the garden.
Savinelli: the 6mm plastic bypass has a 2mm hole; I think it is meant to be a deterrent. The last zip-lock baggie of triangle balsa filters I had were found on the floor chewed up by one of my cats.
Brigham: The rock maple filter works, but after two smokes is uselessly clogged with debris, and gets to join used pipe cleaners. I smoke my three Brigham's without filters.
Euro 9mm filters: Total trash. The Vauen 9mm bypass is pure genius.



Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 2, 2015
I made the effort to break in a new pipe, with my usual CH treatment, but using only the balsa filters. I saw no advantage or improvement in my smoking. I gave up after... I don't know, maybe 30 bowls and 7 filters.



Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 23, 2015
Filters ... never use them. I use the adapters to regulate the draw. On MM cobs I just pull the filter out and smoke 'em with a wide open draw.
Stingers ... I always avoid them and yank them out if I pick up an estate pipe that has one.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jan 5, 2016
I use filters in my cobs mostly to close up the draw a bit. I like just a little resistance and find the draw too open without. Likewise, i use 9mm to 3mm adaptors in a Stanwell and a Savinelli that l have for the same reason.



Feb 21, 2016
Corfu Greece
@zakest said "Euro 9mm filters: Total trash. The Vauen 9mm bypass is pure genius."
do you mean the adaptor tube thing 9mm to 3 mm? what is different about them to others.

I have a 9mm filter pipe on its way to me I wish to smoke without a filter so need to buy an adaptor so if the vaunen one is better then I will order that



Starting to Get Obsessed
Sep 8, 2014
usually I do not BUT as of late I have and had good results. I think it all depends on the pipe and the blend you want to make. Say you have a pipe that tends to get hot And you want to smoke a flake or aero then throw in a filter to help cut back on the draw and lessen the chance of getting to hot also suck up some of the moisture... I just got my grandfathers old DR. G pot shape pipe and that thing gets hot but I really like the shape and I tend to use that alot latley but I found that the filter has helped with a few blends



Feb 21, 2013
Generally no, rarely if ever. I've tried with paper filters and Savinelli balsa, but I don't have moisture problems otherwise, and find that they mute the flavor to the degree that all of the nuance and complexity of blends is lost. As is said of filtered cigarettes, it tends to just encourage you to smoke more to capture the taste you miss. I smoke very moderately, a bowl or two a day, sometimes none, so when I smoke a pipe, I want full flavor. The one standing exception is a Kaywoodie Drinkless Ruff-Tone which requires the stinger to attach the stem, and it smokes quite well, with good flavor. The other aspect of filters is that it is one more item to buy, maintain, and replace, and that diminishes the ritual to some degree. With Savs and Dr. Grobows I just use the Sav 6 mm adaptor to give me the slightly more focused draw I prefer, and this makes these pipes just what I like. When I can, I buy the Savs (or Rossis made by Sav) without filters.

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