The only filtered pipe I smoke are Savinelli's with the balsa wood filters, I can't stand paper filters in a pipe.
Yes, but replace Savinelli with Brigham for me. Other filter pipes get cut down Brigham filters to reduce the draw to something I can't park my truck in/suck entire flakes through (cobs).
To Be honest i have never heard of a filter in a pipe. is this like those stinger things? [:?:]
Sean; 6mm paper (or balsa) filters fit inside the tenon, as the smoke passes over the cardboard baffles (or porous wood), it condenses and absorbs some of the tars/liquid/nasty-crap. There are also 9mm activated charcoal (or, once again, balsa) filter pipes; the theory is the same, but with charcoal as opposed to paper. The biggest draw-back of filter pipes is that you cannot pass a pipe-cleaner with them in.
Enter the Brigham filter - a tube of rock-maple with an aluminum "gromet" (for lack of a better word) at one end. Once again, as the smoke passes over the aluminum/maple, it cools and any nastyness is soaked up by the maple, but being drilled through, they do accept a pipe-cleaner.
The balsa (Sav.) and maple (Brigham) filters also have the added advantage of being re-usable; a quick rinse under the tap, a few hours drying time, and you are ready to go (for 30 odd smokes), while the paper filters turn disgusting rather quickly. I can't speak for the 9mm filters, as I don't actually have any pipes that will accept these!