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Jun 3, 2015
That was daft, I don't think elementary students are of age to drink in Kentucky, other wise there may be a mass migration to Kentucky.
I'm glad you get to go to restaurants that do not allow smoking, mike. I would prefer the business gets to decide whether or not folks can smoke, not a Government ban. (Which is usually local) That choice is your liberty, but you won't allow your fellow man his liberty. . :roll:


Chasing Embers

Captain of the Black Frigate
Nov 12, 2014
So no bans on legal substances in Kentucky?
There are some places that don't allow smoking, and even some companies test for nicotine, and won't hire tobacco users. Sadly however, any statues or landmarks reminding of Civil War activities are being removed as they are being deemed "racially insensitive". :roll:



Jan 31, 2011
You guys are just lucky to not be living in the 21st century.
We are. The rest of the world has fallen to tyrannical dark ages.
I was hoping to join you back there in the good ol' days, but this stupid time machine I ordered on-line didn't work:



Part of the Furniture Now
Sep 4, 2017
You're going about it all wrong brian64. You won't find freedom if you look to get it from someone else, it comes from within. A skill worth brushing up on would be how to handle all of the angry, jealous slaves that don't like seeing you enjoy your life while they are busy following the rules, and trying to implement more rules on others.



Jan 31, 2011
You're going about it all wrong brian64.
You got that right. I knew I was going about it all wrong the second that electric current hit my testicles.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Nov 21, 2017
My state has some of the most draconian laws around smoking. My point has always been to let the business decide. Customers will decide through their pocketbooks if that is a good idea or not. I do appreciate the other side of the story about exposing people to second hand smoke but and I know its not as easy as saying "if you don't want to work here, find another job"...still.
What really gets me going, though, is that in my state we're not even allowed to have a standalone cigar/pipe lounge so apart from Indian Reservations, there is no place to smoke indoors in the state.



Jun 3, 2015
Deathmetal, you did a shit and hit. I was intrestred in what further knowledge you could add to the thread. But you laid an egg and left it to roll around. :wink:



Part of the Furniture Now
Sep 4, 2017
Have you looked into the policies of Clubs in your area echambers? Where I live the smoking laws in restaurants only apply to places that are open to everyone. Clubs retain the rights of a private business and can do as they please. The laws about "public" businesses say that they have to ask you to stop smoking before asking you to leave. At which point they could call the police to give you a ticket for 25 dollars.
The U.S.A. holds obeying laws that persecute someone who is different in low regard. For an example that is commonly taught in elementary schools, Rosa Parks was a criminal who refused to give up her seat, taking a stand against majority opinion and being jailed for it. Today she is celebrated by the U.S. Postal service on stamps. While I am not advocating civil disobedience, if you choose that route, 25 dollars isn't much of a penalty to pay.
I am an advocate of not living your life for other people. Doing what you think they want you to do, or sacrificing who you are to please other people is a waste of life in my opinion. Oftentimes the consequences of being yourself are much worse in your mind than in reality. If smoking a pipe is part of your normal character and you are not smoking to be confrontational there probably won't be as much trouble as you would guess.



Jul 21, 2015
I am an advocate of not living your life for other people. Doing what you think they want you to do, or sacrificing who you are to please other people is a waste of life in my opinion.
Very true, I think. Even more, what "most people believe" is always lies, as we see by how "progress" has made life worse for everyone.
A century ago, we did not have all of these gadgets, and while they have improved life, they have also made it more despairing. People are saddened by jobs and cities.
Humanity, the clever monkey that found doom by chasing what it thought should be true, instead of what was true...

Jan 28, 2018
Sarasota, FL
Not sure I understand all the Kentucky references. Lexington and Louisville are as anti smoking as anywhere I've been and I suspect 70% of the Kentucky population lives in those two cities.


Chasing Embers

Captain of the Black Frigate
Nov 12, 2014
I suspect 70% of the Kentucky population lives in those two cities.
Not even close. Besides, we were talking about more civilized towns like Winchester and Mt. Sterling where the antis are afraid of the locals. :mrgreen:

Jan 28, 2018
Sarasota, FL
I stand corrected, more like 40%. No argument from me on the civilized part but I've always enjoyed Lexington. I used to travel to the Lexington area a lot on business at the time the no smoking stuff started. Nobody could believe it could happen .... until it did. I don't remember if the no smoking stuff hit Owensboro but I do remember the best bbq in the world at Old Hickory.


Chasing Embers

Captain of the Black Frigate
Nov 12, 2014
I do remember the best bbq in the world at Old Hickory.
Lexington is okay for business and shopping, but I love the more natural surroundings. Did you hear about Civil War statues and monuments being removed from Lexington for being "offensive"? A bit to uppidy for my tastes. At least Scwabb's Pipes and Stuff is still there.

Jan 28, 2018
Sarasota, FL
I did not hear about it in Lexington. Doesn't surprise mex Lexington is a liberal dominated cityxi Aimee due to UK being there. I heard Martins closed. I used to go in every trip and have s cigar with Charlie. He was always battling the strip mall he was in over smoking in there, I guess he finally lost. I traveled Kentucky from Paducah to Ashville and pretty much everywhere in between. Always enjoyed the state and the people there.

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