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Mar 16, 2013
Hi I am 18 years old in college and just started smoking a pipe about a week or two ago. I got a few weird looks outside my dorm building smoking a pipe as the cigarette smokers were puffing away but I found a really enjoy it so they can give me weird looks! I bought a cob and smoked some cheap super value vanilla because that's all I could find in my area. Since being home on spring break I have bought some other tobaccos like lane 1-q, lane cherry, and prince albert vanilla and what I thought was an ok pipe. Unfortunately there aren't any knowledgeable tobacco stores in my town so I went in blindly and bought a pipe that I wish I wouldn't have. It's wood but after doing some research and finally finding it I came to find its a cheap mystery wood made in china pipe but on a college budget I'm just going to have to stick it out for awhile until I get some expendable funds which college likes to make scarce. After smoking a few bowls through it I am noticing that I am not getting a whole lot of flavor from it and mostly a burnt bitter taste. After smoking today I took the filter out and sucked through it and found that the air through the filter was quite bitter. I have since removed the filter and plan on smoking it tomorrow to see if there is an improvement in the taste. Besides the filter what else should I look into as a culprit to my bad taste? Could it just be my questionable china pipe? I'm sure it also stems from my overall inexperience and lack of sensitivity to taste the complexities as a beginner but I am sticking with it! Thanks for any help you can provide! And if anybody has an estate pipe they want to let go cheap I would appreciate it because I definitely don't want to get any more pipes from the store I got the other from.

Jul 15, 2011
First off, welcome to the forum!
Starting off with a cheap pipe made in China and the fact that you are just starting off and don't have any experience with the flavors and nuances, it is going to take time to develop a pallet for what you are tasting. Even with a high quality briar, the flavor is going to be a little off until you get it fully broken in, which in a quality pipe can take anywhere from 10-30 bowls (generally) in order to get a pipe smoking the way that it should. Also, you should look into getting yourself a variety of different tobaccos and dont get pigeonholed into thinking that you "HAVE" to start with aromatics. Get yourself a pure burley, a Virginia, a Vaper, an English, etc. Experiment and see what you like and what you don't like. Some people love Virginias, some dont. Some love Burley, some dont. Some love English, some dont. Youre not really wrong if you dont care for a particular kind of tobacco, it just may not be for you. Also, remember to smoke slowly, small puffs and not too often. Dont tamp too hard or too often, and dont use a torch lighter to light your pipe. A match is my preferred method for lighting, but a soft flame butane lighter will work in a pinch. Hope this helps and good luck!



Nov 21, 2011
Welcome to the forum, dude! You can't go wrong with cobs on a college budget, and spend your money on baccy. Just make sure they're Missouri Meershaums and not from China. Here's their website:
Missouri Meerschaum
You should be able to get the basic ones for about five bucks. 1-Q is a really popular tobacco, but like Novelist said, no one can predict what you will like, and your tastes may change over time. The orange site sponsor links down in the lower left of this page are a good place to start (Missouri Meerschaum is down there too). Some really popular sites are smokingpipes.com, 4noggins.com and pipesandcigars.com, but others are good too. smokingpipes has some really good deals on bulk tobacco, like a pound for under $20.
You couldn't have found a better site for pipe help and advice; welcome again :)



Can't Leave
Dec 23, 2012
Central Galilee, Israel
Welcome Cutlass! Feel right at home!The above advice about experimenting with different tobaccos is spot on.

If you encounter a limited selection, try out Amphora Red, which is a mild aromatic and favored by many as a decent everyday tobacco. And as for cobs - buy a few of them and try to designate each cob to a different tobacco type (Virginia, aromatic, English, etc.) Smoke SLOWLY and don't inhale - pipe smoking is like sipping wine; it's all for the taste and aroma and not for a nicotine kick like cigarettes. Enjoy your experiences! :puffy:



Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 30, 2011
United Kingdom
Welcome to the forum - there's not much to add to the good advice above. So, sit back and enjoy your pipe and maybe invest in another MM Corn Cob as they are about the best value you will find.
Searching then web you'll find a load of pipe related information. Remember that most of it is a matter of opinion. Don't let the mass of information spoil your enjoyment.
Happy smoking :)



Dec 5, 2012
Bronx, NY
Welcome to the forum, Cutlass.
As you have already read, there is an enormous amount of info here about all things pipe.
I believe that it is very important to support new young pipe/cigar smokers who will influence others and someday handle the legislation that will control tobacco in the future, so please feel free to ask any questions you may have.
There are no 'silly questions'.
Above all, enjoy.

Jul 12, 2011
The Matrix
Agree stick with MM cobs for now, get a few of them, and focus

any left over budget you have for smoking on "high quality" tobacco
As mentioned above; Orlik Golden sliced, Peterson UF, Escudo,

Mac Baren's ODF, Dunhill Flake, etc type ones should get you off to a great start




Mar 16, 2013
Thanks for all the responses and advice! I was going to order a bunch of various tobaccos online since most places around me had little to no selection but I found that you can't have tobacco shipped in Washington which is a bummer. I had a few non aromatics picked out that I wanted to try to get an idea of what's out there and start learning what sort of tobaccos I should aim for. Unfortunately everywhere I have been in town has pretty much strictly lower quality aromatics and when I ask for advice I am instantly steered toward those. I will definitely look into the Missouri meerschaum cobs I have read good things about them before and they clearly come highly recommended! Thanks again



Sep 14, 2011
Welcome aboard. Lots of good advice. I will point out, though, that Amphora Red, mentioned above, is not available in the US. Amphora used to be, but has not been for a long time. :puffy:



Part of the Furniture Now
Jul 4, 2011
Granite Falls, Washington state
Welcome, Cutlass. Not sure in what part of the state you're going to school, but the Seattle Pipe club (which actually meets in Fife) can help get you acquainted with pipes and set you up with some tobaccos to try. There are also a few tobacconists left, at least in Western Washington. Personally, I do not favor a cob and would suggest an inexpensive briar. If you're willing to consider an "estate" pipe, a decent one may be found for $25 to $35 dollars.
As for tobacco, I agree that is a very personal choice and there is probably a greater spectrum of choice available than there is in wine. Consider trying a few aromatics (quality choices that won't goop up your pipe), perhaps a straight Virginia, an English blend and even a Balkan. That should give you some idea of the range of tastes available to you.
Unfortunately, Smokingpipes.com will not ship to the Soviet of Washington.



Dec 8, 2010
Different strokes and all but I'd take an MM cob over a no name Chinese wooden pipe that hasn't been broken in...
You will get much more instant gratification with a cob, but if you are interested in keeping up the hobby than it might be worth your while to save up a few coppers for a decent Savinelli or something of that nature and then round out the rotation with a variety of cobs as your finances allow.
Estate pipes offer superior value, yes, but they also require homework and/or elbow grease. Keep that in mind, cutlass. (Nothing will piss you off more than to find out that your $40 eBay estate is ghosted with some foul blend)
For a pipe to deliver a sweet smoke, it needs to be broken in, cleaned, and well rested. It sounds like your pipe is neither of those things so (on top of inexperience) you are probably not reaching your enjoyment potential with your current setup. Carter Hall in an MM cob is more pleasant for most than what you are currently using. In the long run, though, definitely find a decent tobacconist and try the different leaf varieties as mentioned above. [Especially Virginia, Virginia Perique, Burley, Latakia, and Oriental blends]
IMO, filters are usually a disgusting trap for spit and tar rather than an effective filtration device. Don't inhale and smoke with moderation if you are worried about your health. (Or don't smoke at all, YMMV) It is usually best to enjoy them - especially generic ones. I know some people who favour specific systems such as Savinelli or Brigham but seldom would they endorse generic filters.



Mar 16, 2013
Well I am smoking a bowl of the 1-q right now and it is way way better now that the filter is gone I think that was a big source of the bad taste I was getting. I am definitely looking into some estate pipes although I am a little lost in all the brands and types I like alot of the peterson pipes but right now a little out of my range unless I find a deal on one. I go to school in pullman so there really isn't much except some head shops with one or two kinds of tobacco to make them seem legit there is another store in Moscow like 10 minutes away I am going to try but it is more of a cigarette and cheap beer kinda place. At least for now I figured out where the bad taste was coming from and I will keep trying to find some places for good tobacco. Thanks for the help so far



Mar 16, 2013
Well I decided to pull the trigger on a Savinelli Trevi Liscia tobaccopipes.com had a good deal on them from what I saw looking around online and I figured if I am going to stay with it I might as well get myself a decent pipe and enjoy it fully. Now the hunt for some good tobacco begins! I appreciate all the help and recommendations even if it did cost me! I will let everyone know how it goes once it gets here in the meantime I had better do some research on how to take care of it so I do everything right and have it for years to come.



Aug 14, 2011
If any pipe is smoking sour or bitter, hit that bitch with some of the strongest alcohol yo ucan get yo hands on.... which, since you're under age, will be some pipe sweetener that the site sponsors offer, or $3 for a bottle of 91% Isopropynol Alcohol found in your groceries' pharmacy section. the higher the alcohol content the better.
That Sav should smoke like a champ. Make sure you have plenty of pipe cleaners and alcohol! They're the first defense in keeping your pipe smoking clean!!!



Mar 16, 2013
Well I have access to an old bottle of everclear we keep handy for cleaning stuff so I suppose that'll do the trick haha. Plus there is no shortage of alcohol in college I'm sure I could get a little of somebody if I needed for a quick clean



Part of the Furniture Now
Apr 7, 2012
May I respectfully suggest that we do not post email quotes from vendors or their willingness to ship anywhere that might be questionable lest we lose that privilege altogether. It is sad that we are being driven under ground but the anti's are much more militant than we are. I have an email rule that what is sent to me, stays with me. It has held me in good standing both at work and at home. Welcome Cutless, PM me I have an unsmoked Brigham I could let go for a very reasonable price to help with your rotation.



Oct 8, 2012
Welcome to the forum. Please feel free to ask questions. Plenty of friendly members to help you.

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