They're all late 20s/early-mid 30's (except the soccer girl, never heard of her)... They grew up BEFORE the Social Media Age began its feedback loop of "influencers" endlessly trying to one-up each other.Emma Watson.
Emma Stone.
Alex Morgan. (Soccer)
Jennifer Lawrence.
Amanda Bynes.
Kiera Knightly.
Natalie Portman.
Isn't it weird that the people most admired in today's world are 1) grown-ups who play children's games unusually well (usually involving a ball); 2) professional deceivers---a.k.a. "actors"---whose job it is to fool people as convincingly as possible while reciting words written by others; and 3) people who have a nice voice and do musical things with it.Had to Google why Alex Morgan ... If I had a fraction of her talent I wouldn't be talking about her on the internet right now!
Thanks Dr. Phil. How have I managed to live this long without you?Everyone is personally responsible for separating themselves from the outrage cycle. It's bad for ya.