Greetings all,
Gotta go with Kevin on the Twilight Zone. One of THE best television series of all time. Quality writing, production, direction, and acting. Nothing compares today. I must have seen each episode dozens of times, and never tire of them.
For the present, I agree with Kevin again: MadMen. I love all the smoking! What an era! Mainly cigarettes, but several pipes are seen. I remember my mom smoking everywhere - the Post Office, grocery store, the bank, restaurants. Everywhere! Truly, much more tolerant times. Political correctness was unknown then.
I grew up in the '60's. The set design and props bring back memories. I'll notice a toaster in the backround and say "we had one of those!". The whole storyline is intriguing. I've watched every episode at least twice from the beginning of the series. The first show of the first season was titled "Smoke gets in your eyes", and followed the Lucky Strike ad campaign at Sterling Cooper. Great show!
Unfortunately for "Maddicts" like myself, season 5 won't premier until next year (2012). Meanwhile, I'm going through withdrawls.