I have found myself smoking a lot less since it got hot. Nightcap and other English Blends seem too much. Even the Virginia Perique blends I've been enjoying recently (Deluxe Navy Rolls, Elizabethan Mixture, Irish Oak) have got a bit...uurgh.
As a nicotine addict I have been left wondering what to do. Milder tobaccos I love like Dunhill Flake are great but not strong enough for all the time.
Andy Stewart gave me some "aromaticish" cavendish tobacco that smells and taste really really nice but doesn't really provide me with the hit I often need...but then, oh I have found a great solution.
Red Bull Strong Snuff is really nice. Two nostril fulls of that and a pipe of mild tobacco (especially the above mentioned tobacco from Andy - really delicious) and I am in heaven.
This is an ideal hot weather solution for nicotine addicts. You get to smoke light mild blends, satisfy your need for nicotine and have nostrils filled with Mint and Eucalyptus.
I would imagine lots of people have been doing this for a couple of hundred years before I discovered it but...hey.