Favorite Lakeland Blends?

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Feb 21, 2016
Corfu Greece
if you want lakeland essence then Ennerdale Flake ,Dark Plug Scented ,Dark Flake scented & Brown Bogie Scented are my go to ones.

As stated Ennerdale is probably the most in your face one.

Samual Gawith Grousemoor is very floral where as I find the others I mention not so much floral as the geranium,clove,tonquin etc more to the front



Part of the Furniture Now
Sep 29, 2012
Wilmington, De / Ithaca, NY
While NOT a real Lakeland, Peretti's Original and No Name are tobaccos you'd only like if you appreciate Lakelands. They have been around for many years. They lack the strength and/or richness of a true lakeland but they do have the distinguishing flavor profile.
Every time there is one of these threads, no one gives Rich Dark Honeydew any love except Chasing Embers. It's a quintessential Lakeland from GH.



Dec 12, 2016
Does Peterson's Hyde Park count? It is the only if not the closest I have smoked to a lake land. I did like the honey/maple topping, however that seems light in comparison to other blends. 1792 by Samuel Gawith for example puts me off, since tonquin is not among my favorite spices ..



Aug 20, 2013
if you want lakeland essence then Ennerdale Flake ,Dark Plug Scented ,Dark Flake scented & Brown Bogie Scented are my go to ones.

As stated Ennerdale is probably the most in your face one.

Samual Gawith Grousemoor is very floral where as I find the others I mention not so much floral as the geranium,clove,tonquin etc more to the front
For what it's worth, this is an example of the dispassionate discussion that serves to clarify Lakelands instead of the usual epithets referencing granny's panties and urinal cake.



Mar 28, 2018
Green Bay
I’m with npod on Lakelands. I love Bob’s Chocolate Flake, but I just can’t handle the others I’ve tried. 1792 smells pretty good, and the flavor is good too, it just needs to be reduced by about 100x to a more homeopathic dilution. Grousmoor made me simultaneously want to barf and gave me visions of licking my grandmas armpits, which reinforced the desire to vomit.



Aug 20, 2013
Grousmoor made me simultaneously want to barf and gave me visions of licking my grandmas armpits, which reinforced the desire to vomit.
Ah, now the battle joined!

May 3, 2010
Las Vegas, NV
The ONLY blend that has a floral essence (rose water) that I will smoke is Country Squire's White Rose. It's very subdued and just an accent to the honey topping. It's just barely noticeable in the flavor profile and adds a pleasantness to the room note. I only gave it a try cause it was blended in honor of Beau York by Jon David Cole. I'd heard really good things about Jon David's blending, so I ordered a few blends including that one. After the samples I'll trust whatever Jon David throws together to be a good blend.



Feb 21, 2013
A Lakeland question or two. It is only the aromatic Lakeland blends that include the ghost flavorings, right? And do I understand that in singular instances, the flavoring has been detected in on-aro blends? I think it's common practice to designate pipes used for Lakeland aromatics, and I sort of assume most do that. So far Lakeland hasn't called to me, except for the bountiful generosity of a Forums member who sent me an unopened tin of Brown Sugar Flake, which I am aging and will gladly smoke. I'm not sure this is offered by U.S. retailers. Tobacco aside, I have been to the Lake District in England, from which the Lakelands blends get their name, and it was one of the heights of my travel experiences,fiercely beautiful, heavy rains, wandering sheep, endless walking paths, incredibly late sunsets in the summer, music halls offered the tourists during the season, and pristine protection of the area by residents and visitors. You don't see litter. I might be William Wordsworth myself if I'd lived there. Fabulous.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jun 4, 2013
I have only tried some of them one time, and a few more than once. I pretty much like all of them that I tried, but so far the ones that appealed to me the most are Rich Dark Honeydew, Glengarry Flake, and Brown Flake Scented. But also tasty are Dark Flake scented, Brown Flake Vanilla, Rum Flake, #7 Broken Flake, and Coniston Cut Plug. If you love the Lakelands, you could pretty much smoke them only and it wouldn't matter what happened to any other blends out there, although I do like variety

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Part of the Furniture Now
Apr 29, 2014
Thanks for the suggestions. I ended up not taking a plunge. Instead I waded in up to my knees and bought three 4 ounce samples of G&H aro blends, the honeydew one, the Brown Flake and some Grasmere. Got a couple more tins of St Bruno, too. Some of your suggestions seem to be rated high in nicotine so maybe another time for those.



Mar 25, 2014
Grousmoor made me simultaneously want to barf and gave me visions of licking my grandmas armpits, which reinforced the desire to vomit.
Definitely a love it or hate it blend, count me in the "Love it" crowd!



Starting to Get Obsessed
Apr 3, 2014
Well, I've really ended predominantly smoking Lakelands and associated G & H's. Rum flake, Mellow Mahogany, Revor plug, Ennerdale.....like 'em all really. Pipe smoking of old, strong tastes, nice aromas.



St Bruno Flake and Ready - Rubbed, as well as the Condors do qualify as Lakeland, if you will. The reason is that all tobaccos produced in the United Kingdom were subject to a strict list of ingredients (they had to be organic, not chemically processed) and limited percentages of casings. Thus, the geranium, roses, etc, casings we find in such tobaccos.

Even today, blending houses such as G & H and SG have stuck to this blending approach.

My favorites Lakeland tobaccos are Ennerdale Flake, Kendal Flake and Kendal Dark Shag by G & H.

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