Favorite flake/coin/rope tobacco?

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May 22, 2012
I've recently discovered the wonder that is flake tobacco and coin tobacco, been thinking about trying some rope tobacco if I can find it sorry getting sidetracked, after trying some and reading up on many reviews and posts about flakes I was curious on what everyone's favorite flake/coin/rope? Hopefully if anyone has a TAD attack they can possibly use this as a reference if they are interested in trying new kinds of tobacco types. So let me get this started my favorites so far are, MacB's Vanilla Cream Flake, Escudo, and Orlik Golden Sliced.



Part of the Furniture Now
Mar 24, 2012
Southport, North Carolina
Too many flakes at the top of my smoking order to make a list! - that said, I am really enamored with the new Newminster Tobacco Superior Navy Flake - just incredible, and the first flake that I want to smoke exclusively unrubbed.



Jan 25, 2012
I like two of the flakes you mentioned. Not tried the Escudo yet. I like McB Mixture Flake I think even a bit more than the Vanilla, highly recommended. I too have become a fan of flake tobaccos. I love the slow burning and flavor packed characteristics this processing method yields. Pressed flakes seem a great way to cellar and enjoy Virginia blends and that is something I am really enjoying now.



May 26, 2012
Sarasota Florida
gungnir, here is my list of flakes, vapers and ropes. I smoke these most of the time with only Boswell aromatics thrown in. I keep them all in my cellar and enjoy everyone for different reasons.
Samuel Gawith Best Brown Flake(great afternoon or all day smoke)
Samuel Gawith Full Virginia Flake ( stronger than best brown good after a meal)
Samuel Gawith Firedance Flake ( an aromatic flake for dessert)
Fribourg & Treyer Cut Virginia Plug ( great morning, afternoon, sweet flake)
Solani Silver Flake ( nice full bodied flake)
Solani Aged Burley flake ( has a nutty sweetness, with some nice body)
Hamborger Veermaster( classic all day flake, tough to find)
Peter Stokkebye Luxury Twist Flake ( nice flavorful all day flake)
Astley's 109 ( nice mild flake, an all day smoke)
Orlick Dark Strong Kentucky ( nice medium bodied flake with hints of molasses) sold also as Peter Heinrichs Special Selection: Dark Strong
Gawith, Hoggarth & Co Ennerdale Flake ( classic lakeland flake with some unusual casings)
Gawith, Hoggarth & Co Rum Flake ( very nice after dinner sweet flake, has some kick)
Peterson's Irish Flake ( after dinner, full stomach, one of the strongest blends on market, good stuff.
Virginia Perique Flakes and discs:
Escudo ( all time classic, must have in cellar)
Samuel Gawith St James Flake ( all time classic, a must try)
Peter Stokkebye Luxury Bullseye Flake ( nice medium strength vaper in disc form)
Solani 633, ( excellent medium strength flake)
Reiner Long Golden ( similar to Solani 633)
Original Bells Three Nuns ( round discs that are a classic taste if you can find them)
Samuel Gawith Black XX Twist ( medium strength rope, nice sweet flavor)
Samuel Gawith Brown Rope No.4 ( strong, smoky and sweet. Nicotine bomb)



Nov 19, 2009
Chicago, IL
cigrmaster, thanks for posting that list, along with the descriptions! Just this morning I was determined to compile a list of flakes, and bingo, there was yours! :clap:



Sep 14, 2011
Penzance is more of a crumble cake, IMO. :P
Flakes: SG Best Brown is at the top of my list. Their Balkan Flake is also nice - one of the few flakes with latakia.

Ropes: Rumored to be nic monsters, I avoid these like the plague.

Coins: Haven't done much with these.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Apr 16, 2012
Ropes: Rumored to be nic monsters, I avoid these like the plague.
Well in that case I know what will be on my next TAD order!
Irish flake is the only one I've tried and I love the stuff! Burns slow, great flavor, and it's nice and heavy, but not harsh.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 5, 2012
West Park, NY
I'm also getting into flakes in a big way. If I could find a way to do nothing but sit and enjoy flakes. Anyway: I will also add my support for Escudo and Sextant. C&D's Burley Flake #3 and Blockade Runner are also in my rotation. Has anyone tried Dunhill Navy Rolls? I think I read they are coins. I figure if something is good enough for Tolkien, then I might as well try it.



Mar 7, 2012
Sunset Beach NC
Stokkebye LNF, Erinmore Flake, Peterson Irish Flake ..... these are regulars for me. Due to economics, I tend to smoke more of LNF and save the others for special occasions. I've also tried Stokkebye LTF which was pretty good but not an all day smoke. I have a few other flakes in the cellar that haven't made it to the pipe yet.

Coin-wise I like Stokkebye LBF and Mc Baren Latakia Blend, these are the only two I've tried.

Can't speak for ropes since I haven't yet tried any yet. Was thinking about Peterson Perfect Plug next time I put in a TAD order.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Dec 27, 2011
Floyds Knobs, IN
My favorite coin of all time, Bell's Three nuns - "Nun Finer"

Today I smoke Villiger 1888 Cocktail Hour, it reminds me of three nuns kinda....



Can't Leave
Mar 2, 2011
Cornwall UK
I mostly smoke flakes ( my only flake at the moment is SG SL )I suppose top of the list would be GH Balkan Flake folloed by SG Navy Flake and FVF

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