Favorite Coffee Place

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Mar 30, 2019
In the semi-rural NorthEastern USA
I go to a Dutch Bros. and grab a large sugar free iced Double Torture and since caffeine is my friend I also have them pull two additional shots on the side.

They won’t add them because “health issues or regulations, blah, blah, blah”.

So I just drink enough and add them in.

Fantastic stuff!!
Looked up the regs and they're pretty close to non-existent for coffee. Looking at their caffeine amounts in what they serve their excuse is craptastic. There are other drinks on their menu that exceed the amount of caffeine you'd be consuming with that concoction. Unless they think you look like someone on the verge of a massive coronary event.
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Feb 12, 2022
North Georgia mountains.
I find personally smaller out of the way places often just don't have the same variety which is fine for me I don't care what beans they use (as in no preference otherwise then good) or for anything more then black coffee. I also like often they'll have a trick which is really just how the person in charge of the coffee thinks it's best. I know one localish place they made in a large pot on the stove. Which actually is a really fine way to make coffee but obviously it's more temperamental and a pita and require much more attention in making and serving (no one wants a mouthful of grinds). It comes out kind of sweet but not candy sugar sweet but way less bitter.
As far as out and about either what's most convenient or where I haven't gone before. With coffee while I enjoy it I go for palatable and caffeinated. Worst coffee though ever served to the public was at Facia Luna in State College. They served the coffee from the people who deliver water cooler jugs. It's bad when the people selling you a product are shocked you'd serve it to paying customers (the delivery guy told me their coffee was intended to be coffee for workplaces and served free).
Sadly my one local place that was great closed. And the other had a roaster fire and their coffee just hasn't been great since then. By the way the owner of that shop gave the pipe shop free coffee in exchange for free MacBarren tins.
Coffee for free MB tins? Now that's fair trade.
Couldn't agree more though. Alot of these little coffee shops in the mountains don't offer 20 different kinds of coffee, though one place does because it caters to the tourists. But like you, I just appreciate a good cup. I don't necessarily care what region the beans are from so long as the coffee doesn't taste like Maxwell House or something from the gas station.
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Jul 26, 2021
I go to a Dutch Bros. and grab a large sugar free iced Double Torture and since caffeine is my friend I also have them pull two additional shots on the side.

They won’t add them because “health issues or regulations, blah, blah, blah”.

So I just drink enough and add them in.

Fantastic stuff!!
Have you tried Stok espresso shots? They are in individual coffee creamer cups and travel fairly well. I use them for a pick me up or to improve tepid coffee.

They run about $.35 a cup on Amazon at 40 mg of caffeine per cup.



Mar 30, 2019
In the semi-rural NorthEastern USA
Coffee for free MB tins? Now that's fair trade.
Couldn't agree more though. Alot of these little coffee shops in the mountains don't offer 20 different kinds of coffee, though one place does because it caters to the tourists. But like you, I just appreciate a good cup. I don't necessarily care what region the beans are from so long as the coffee doesn't taste like Maxwell House or something from the gas station.
some gas stations have shockingly good coffee. Some.


Jul 30, 2016
Vegas Baby!!!
Have you tried Stok espresso shots? They are in individual coffee creamer cups and travel fairly well. I use them for a pick me up or to improve tepid coffee.

They run about $.35 a cup on Amazon at 40 mg of caffeine per cup.

If I know I’m going to be out for a long day I have canned cold brew in a variety of styles.

But, Friday is a good example. I left my house to work a single fire. By the time my sorry ass got home I had worked three fires.

But I’ll definitely give them a shot, no pun intended.
Whatever is available. I am not very choosy. Most often these are Starbucks, Convenience Stores or other specialty coffee stores.

Don’t like Dunkin or any fast food restaurants which serve coffee.

Generally full service restaurants also serve decent coffee to be enjoyed after dinner


Feb 21, 2013
My wife is a coffee scholar; she's taught a class in it, taking people around to different roasters in the area in central North Carolina.

We sort of joke about Starbucks and their over-roasted somewhat burnt tasting coffee, but if you need caffeine at off-hours at Duke University's big hospital, Starbuck's is there for you.

But selectively, there are some high end roasters in the region like Larry's, Muddy Dog, Counter Culture, and a number of others, that do a range of really advanced versions of the bean. It's a matter of finding what you like in their repertoires. With online sales, you can order from hundreds or thousands of roasters.

For breakfast, we have some familiar standbys like Illy's, Peets, Lavatta, and Chock Full of Nuts, among others. My wife likes it dark roasted and fresh ground. Alas, I have to do decaf, but have preferences in that line. Illy's makes a good one, for example.


Starting to Get Obsessed
Jun 12, 2017
These are now good times for coffee lovers here in most of Denmark (and elsewhere). And for beer lovers! Better than ever. A lot of good coffee shops. A lot of good competition. Customers are now more picky and willing to pay. Even bakeries serve better coffee now. Both independent and chains. And I love most of them. Including Starbucks! Too difficult to be a grumpy old man in this regard.


Nov 30, 2020
Sydney, Australia
When I worked in Europe and Australia there were usually plenty of good independent coffee shops where I could get espresso (I pretty much only drink espresso - a habit I got into working in the Italian part of Switzerland).

To be honest; I usually despaired whenever I was working in the US (may have been different if I worked in Boston or San Francisco but I was generally in places where dishwater strength pour over coffee was considered 'good'). Ask local colleagues where to get good coffee and they invariably directed me to the nearest Starbucks :rolleyes: (my personal opinion is that coffee and Starbucks are not words that should ever be used together).

(To be fair, I did find a great coffee shop just outside of San Diego when I was there, and one of our competitors used to have an excellent Barista on their stand when doing trade shows in Las Vegas and where happy to let us get our coffee from her!)

I did OK in Detroit because the customer's project manager was 1st generation Greek and she lent me a pot and supplied me with Greek coffee (well, Lebanese but much the same) so I could make something drinkable before getting to the office - office had unlimited coffee from a sophisticated automatic grind and brew machine which could best be described as disgusting!

There are lots of good little coffee shops in São Paulo where I now but you have to search them out; the main streets and malls are dominated by Starbucks. There's actually more branches of Starbucks on the Avenida Paulista then in the whole of Australia :eek:

So... ...when out and about I often struggle to find coffee and just drink mineral water.
Australia has a GREAT coffee culture and you can get very good coffee and beans everywhere

I only have one coffee a day at lunch during the week.
On weekends it is at breakfast

I’m lucky there is a small cafe 3mins from work where they let me sit during my lunch break to read the newspapers and do my crossword uninterrupted

Had a great cup in Lyon (foodie capital of France)
Complimented the barista only to find he was from Melbourne 😁


Part of the Furniture Now
Apr 17, 2023
Somerset Ohio
I can’t do fast food or gas station coffee. I go to the roaster in town to buy my beans and a cup of joe. In a pinch I will do a Americana from Starbucks. The problem for me when on the road is finding coffee that doesn’t taste burnt.
May 9, 2021
Geoje Island South Korea
I go to a Dutch Bros. and grab a large sugar free iced Double Torture and since caffeine is my friend I also have them pull two additional shots on the side.

They won’t add them because “health issues or regulations, blah, blah, blah”.

So I just drink enough and add them in.

Fantastic stuff!!
Good move, Ashdigger.
Can't stand it when people tell me what I can or can't do or have. Not that I was a petulant child you understand. Just a grown man, who doesn't appreciate "nanny-state" interjection.


Sep 21, 2020
North Carolina
My kitchen, ground fresh daily and brewed in my 1950’s GE percolator.View attachment 221717
I have my grandparents Sunbeam C30C vacuum pot. I haven't been able to use it due to the rubber seal hardening. I'm not sure what to do for a replacement or if the seal can be reconditioned somehow. Would you have any ideas?20230515_211529.jpg20230515_211737.jpg


Oct 10, 2013
I don't enjoy coffee out of the house. I'll get a cup or two at the diner with breakfast, but I generally prefer to enjoy a mug while slowly waking up, chatting with my wife, feet resting on the dog, who is tucked under the dining room table. After that, it's just buzz, and I don't sleep well if I have coffee (or any caffeine) after noon time. Besides which, I've become accustomed to having cacao nibs in my morning brew. I add them to the Melitta with the ground coffee. Anything else just isn't up to par anymore.



Feb 21, 2013
I think for fast-food coffee, McDonalds is good. It's sturdy and fairly bright flavored, and the cup keeps it hot through the end of your breakfast.

Wawa's in New Jersey makes some good coffee, and good breakfast biscuits to go with it.