Hey guys, thanks for your interest in our film! I totally appreciate the never-to-be-finished-film jokes. It's felt like that for us too, believe me. But as our first film and a passion project on the side, things just take a long time for each step, and there are lots of steps to pull off a film of this scope. That said (and very long story short), thanks to our successful premiere at the Chicago International Film Festival, we are now working towards meaningful distribution in early 2019! This means it will be available for both VOD and hopefully hard copies (Blu Ray / DVD) for pipe fans and those unfamiliar with the hobby alike. So as soon as the weather warms, check out your windows for airborne pork and unexpectedly cold temperatures deep underground. ;-)
We have a few more funds to raise, so to help with that we're also selling some pipes Lee Erck made and donated that are look-a-likes to the one made in the film. You can learn more about those and get a more in-depth update here: https://mailchi.mp/a98a48df299d/ftf-2018-year-end-update
Thanks, Craig for your coming out to see the film in Chicago this October and letting us know this thread has been started. We're hoping to get the film into more public screenings this year, both festivals and pipe clubs alike. Hopefully we can make something happen at the CPCC show as well.
Hit me up with any questions, and of course, everything is totally make of star dust. :-D
All the best!
Chad Terpstra
Father the Flame