Has Gatemouth Brown been mentioned?
edgreen Lifer Aug 28, 2013 3,581 17 Oct 23, 2016 #104 Dizzy Gillespie, Lalo Schifrin , Dom Flemons, Ernest Bloch, Arnold Bax, Vagn Holmboe Picasso, Van Gogh , Cezanne, Hartnett, John Prieto, and the Chinese empress dowager Cixi
Dizzy Gillespie, Lalo Schifrin , Dom Flemons, Ernest Bloch, Arnold Bax, Vagn Holmboe Picasso, Van Gogh , Cezanne, Hartnett, John Prieto, and the Chinese empress dowager Cixi
edgreen Lifer Aug 28, 2013 3,581 17 Oct 23, 2016 #105 Dizzy Gillespie, Lalo Schifrin , Dom Flemons, Ernest Bloch, Arnold Bax, Vagn Holmboe Picasso, Van Gogh , Cezanne, Hartnett, John Prieto, and the Chinese empress dowager Cixi
Dizzy Gillespie, Lalo Schifrin , Dom Flemons, Ernest Bloch, Arnold Bax, Vagn Holmboe Picasso, Van Gogh , Cezanne, Hartnett, John Prieto, and the Chinese empress dowager Cixi
edgreen Lifer Aug 28, 2013 3,581 17 Oct 23, 2016 #107 Don't we have a picture here somewhere of Custer smoking a pipe?
ahmadothman Part of the Furniture Now Apr 26, 2016 751 7 Egypt Oct 24, 2016 #110 Well, a surprise here.. Ali Khumaini, Supreme Leader of Iran (1989 - ) Turned out he's a big pipe smoker and according to some sources has a vast collection of expensive pipes
Well, a surprise here.. Ali Khumaini, Supreme Leader of Iran (1989 - ) Turned out he's a big pipe smoker and according to some sources has a vast collection of expensive pipes
ahmadothman Part of the Furniture Now Apr 26, 2016 751 7 Egypt Oct 24, 2016 #111 And I don't know anyone missed this, but the master of all
pagan Lifer May 6, 2016 5,963 29 West Texas Oct 25, 2016 #114 Dr. J Robert Oppenheimer, Father of the Atomic Bomb
jpmcwjr Lifer May 12, 2015 26,262 30,396 Carmel Valley, CA Oct 26, 2016 #117 Turned out he's a big pipe smoker and according to some sources has a vast collection of expensive pipes.... Click to expand... Yes, but he's lighting his pipe with a piece of camel dung.... Obviously by choice, with a NW of many billions.
Turned out he's a big pipe smoker and according to some sources has a vast collection of expensive pipes.... Click to expand... Yes, but he's lighting his pipe with a piece of camel dung.... Obviously by choice, with a NW of many billions.
ahmadothman Part of the Furniture Now Apr 26, 2016 751 7 Egypt Oct 26, 2016 #120 Mr Mucho man himself.. Sam Elliott