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Can't Leave
Dec 25, 2010
Facebook stuff, in a little town 20 miles from me.



Can't Leave
Dec 25, 2010
and http://news.yahoo.com/dad-shoots-daughters-laptop-over-facebook-post-video-222929321.html
don't know where this one was.



Aug 14, 2011
I aprove of the laptop incident. I would have maybe destroyed it in some other fashion. Or sold it.
Using a gun seems a bit much lol Still funny though
When that dumb kid grows up she'll realize when she lives on her own that "OMG the chores I was doing at home where easy compared to living on my own!"
Kids are gonna talk mess about their parents... just don't do it publicly. It can effect your parents JOBS now. Snotty brat children.. lol
Now she'll get to cook dinner for everyone AND IT BETTER BE GOOD! haha :puffy:
Let's face it, most bratty children have a pretty good life. I didn't get a laptop until I graduated highschool...



Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 18, 2011
Sigh, imagine a society without every Tom, DICK and Harry having guns.
He might've blown away her computer, but he also more than likely blew away her respect & love for him, probably until she's old enough to have her own spawn & appreciate what her folks did for her. Still waiting for mine to come to that realisation, been waiting for 3 years so far, and reckon it'll be another 9, when she turns 30.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Sep 2, 2011
love the video!
sad about the murder issue... and in Nashville? Not like we don't have enough stereotypes to worry about in my neck of the woods already.

Feb 6, 2012
Facebook is a total mess. My wife and I are going to be deleting our profiles shortly - after backing up all of our photos.
two things which really bother me about the direction this social media thing is taking:
First, many employers are starting to take into consideration reports from social network 'scoring' services when hiring new employees. Before starting my own company last year, I considered employment with Intel, who is now requiring facebook passwords and emails from prospective employees. These will then be scored by a company that rates things like your social media power based on how many people like your postings, etc. There is no way I want people to judge my ability based on how many people 'like' the fact that I just checked in at starbucks :crazy:
Second, and even worse in my opinion, is the emergence of companies like Lenddo https://www.lenddo.com/pages/what_is_lenddo

Now credit is going to consider social network activities and connections? There is a case making its way through the federal court systems right now from another company that is trying to analyze your friends on facebook and send data to the big 3 to adjust your FICO score accordingly - e.g. if you are friends with lots of people who have bad credit you probably aren't credit-worthy yourself.
I think I can do without since its coming to this.



Sep 7, 2011
Capac, Michigan
People are crazy. Murdering two people because the unfriended your daughter? Setting fire to a garage for being unfriended? Hitting you wife for not liking your status? What is wrong with the world? Its facebook people. It isnt that important



Might Stick Around
Dec 31, 2011
In less than 3 months I will not have the interent, I am moving "off the grid", I can't wait!



Feb 8, 2012
I for one think the dad did the right thing and made a powerful statment.

And a socity without gun ownership well just the thought of that scares the shit out of me.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Sep 26, 2011
Lower Hudson Valley, NY
I deleted my FB profile a few months ago. Best move I made and never looked back. Led me to downsize a lot of things in my life. TV, a lot of phone apps, plans, etc and other garbage in our lives all out.



Jun 16, 2011
I still have Facebook for several reasons, it's the easiest way for me to keep up with my old buddies from school, I enjoy a few games on there, and I have a bunch of pipe smoking friends that I talk with that are scattered over a bunch of different forums. I do spend most of my internet time on the pipe forum though.



May 4, 2011
I can relate to dad's need to make a point to an ungrateful, obviously arrogant child. I don't know if I'd have obliterated a $800 laptop to do it, but the .45 does certainly highlight the finality of the decision. He handled the weapon safely and the property was his to destroy, so I see nothing offensive there. As far as the kid's feelings go, she'll get over it. Teenagers are all full-on drama queens and if that's the worst she ever gets her feelings hurt, she will have had a good life.



Might Stick Around
Dec 31, 2011
About the laptop shooting dad, here is my two cents:
Firstly it's the parents responsability to teach their children right from wrong and that is the most important part, she would have never acted like that if her parents raised her differently to begin with, there is also the part where love and understanding comes into play.
Teenagers are still children, they do not have the same sense as an adult so it is an adults responsability to guide them in the right direction. Shooting her laptop only tought her it is ok to act out when things go wrong, because that is just what he did he acted out in a very extreme way. What did that really teach her? What sort of trust did he install in his daugher? Children make many mistakes as do adults. There are better ways to fix it.
To quote my friend:
"Hey Dad, the next time your offspring overreacts, guess where she learned it from?"
In my opinion there was nothing "awesome" about what he did.



Nov 26, 2011
Nova Scotia, Canada
[/quote]Firstly it's the parents responsability to teach their children right from wrong and that is the most important part
In this, smokingunn, i agree wholeheartedly!! However, a parent can instill the proper values into their children, but we all know that it doesn't always work out the way we hope. Unfortunately, many of us have children that we raised with the same values who do not always comply as they become more independant. I, myself have 2 grown children. One is everything I could ever want her to be in regards to "proper". The other child, well.... not so much i guess. Not that said child is criminal minded, but just not as well as could be.



Might Stick Around
Dec 31, 2011
Yes, even if a child does not turn out like a parent has hoped does it mean we should act out against them as well?
Sure this little girl was spoiled and extremely disrespectful, but in my opinion there are much better ways of addressing the situation and as long as you are a parent you should never give up on your children, showing them love and understanding is the key.
When I was younger I was very naughty but there were some really good people in my life that never gave up on me. I am very greateful for them, today I am a mother of three and give the same love and understanding to my children I was given.

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