OK, I am not a top to the bottom of the bowl kinda guy to start with. I normally smoke for 10-15 min, get ADD and wander off. So I never really try and go top to bottom in one sitting....until last evening.
Gravity fed Dorcester in my new meer. Med packed and one light.Dorcester was dried for 4-5 hours prior. I noticed right away that the ribbon was the perfect light. So I thought to myself, why not give it a shot?
So...game face on I started my quest. I must admit that I was having on "on" night. Form was good. Cadence was excellent. Zero temperature issues. I was attentive and with a slight tamp the bowl was progressing perfectly symmetrically.
About the 7th inning I knew I was on track for a no hitter and had not walked a man, so the pressure was on. It was also about this point I got a little green around the gills. As Bluto so wisely one said, "when the going get tough...the tough get going" right? I hearkened back to this thread and powered on.
Worked it all the way down to the bottom with zero stirs and only tamps. The ash? Now, I am not saying it was pixie dust fine, but there was nothing left in my hand when I dumped.
Mission accomplished....