Those tricks work fine with regular pipes but not Pete systems. The problem is the slipshod drilling causes them to collect a ton of condensation at the tenon and it does not drain down into the sump as it should. To get it to stop gurgling using your method I would need to blow so hard I'd have ash spewing out the bowl. What I needed to do was pull the stem mid-smoke several times and shake/blow out the moisture. Tolerable outdoors alone, but outdoors in the company of others, or indoors, not so much!
Then to prevent a buildup of sticky tar in the sump, I would need to take it apart and swab out the sump after each smoke, then leave it apart so the sump could dry out, otherwise it would sour on me. Between the excess gurgle and the excess maintenance, I found them a PITA. I had a Pete system years ago which worked fine, so I know it has to do with poor drilling quality in recent years.
OTOH my Falcons actually deliver on their claim of cooling and drying the smoke, and they do not gurgle. With a homemade dry ring I can get 3-4 smokes out of them without dissasembling. All I need do is run a pipecleaner through the stem and set them in the rack like any other pipe.