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Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 29, 2010
Sometimes that light bulb over my head flashes to life when I least expect it to....and I slap myself on the forehead with a; “Dang, why didn’t think of that before?” “Man I’m stupid!”
It happened just yesterday, and it's my hope that perhaps this thread might help someone here.
My wife, like many I assume, reluctantly tolerates what little pipe smoke she’s exposed to in her own home but doesn’t complain. As she’s said many times,; “Honey, it’s your home too.”

Our children are grown and gone now, and the two extra bedrooms in our house were changed into; (1) A well used guest room, and (2) the most awesome of “Man-caves.”

The Man cave is occasionally a smoking room in the dead of winter, not very often but perhaps three or bowlfuls a week are enjoyed from the big fluffy recliner in front of the Man-cave TV.

My wife never complains as I said but I do wish I could smoke whenever I wanted to in my seclusion, but even I detest the smell of the stale smoke that’s hanging in the air when I return to the closed up room following a short absence.
Then yesterday it dawned on me that one of those little fart-fans sold for bathrooms might just be the ticket.

But I thought of trying to contemplate the complexities of modern life while enjoying a sweet bowl of my favorite English blend with that tiny fan roaring over my head and realized; “That ain’t gonna work!”.
I dug around on the old internet and after a few hours of research came up with the following solution:

A nice looking dampered vent connected to 10 feet of insulated flex duct up in the attic, on the end of which is 170cfm in-line centrifugal fan.
All for less than $200 and an afternoon’s work.
I’m looking so much forward to not standing in the cold cold garage, but instead laying in my big fluffy recliner in a warm quiet room.



Dec 14, 2009
Birmingham, AL
I have a small fan that hangs from the bottom of an open window.

Since really frigid weather isn't a great concern here in the 'sunny south' that's the way I go.



Staff member
Apr 8, 2009
If you have a window in the room where you smoke, check out this great way to install an exhaust fan to pull the smoke out of the room. It was posted by member Tomsoles:



Starting to Get Obsessed
Sep 15, 2010
A bathroom exhaust fan is what I use in my smoking room. I've taken the idea a little farther... I have a corner computer desk thats about 6' high and the exhause is hidden behind the desk. It's in the wall not the ceiling because of the design of the house and blows the smokey air into the attic above the garage where is goes outside throught the air hawks. Attached to the exhaust plenum is a piece of flex hose about 4' long and the smoke enters the end of the hose. In winter I have the end of the hose down low to exhause the colder air and in summer it's mounted high to exhause warmer air. You can't see it beind the desk. A ceiling fan running on low and blowing upward circulates the air.
Be sure you buy a good one as the cheap ones make too much noise. Good luck!



Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 29, 2010
Lawrence you lucky dog,……out here in the territories the winter temps are often in the teens with a northerly wind at 15-20 mph. Summer afternoons are consistently at or over 100 every day for months. We don't open windows very often around here.

I built this house 13 years ago I wouldn’t doubt if there are windows that have been opened more than once.

Hey,....I mentioned you at the fire-station yesterday when we were talking about football.
Thanks for the link Bob, that’s a pretty cool window box! I like it.

But again, with the weather here, my best bet is to vent the smoke up into the attic. When not in use, the overhead automatic inline damper should be enough to keep the relatively mild attic temperatures where they are, and with a pretty expensive centrifugal fan at least ten feet down an insulated flex duct it should be fairly quite, which is most important to me.

The 170 cfm fan should only need to be run for a few minutes, 'cause according to my math it'll be able to provide a complete room-air exchange every six to eight minutes…with the supply air coming from the normal leaks that are in every home.

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