Excellent Response to Anti-Tobacco Nazi From Cortezattic

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Can't Leave
Nov 10, 2010
Carol reminds me of a man I met during lunch yesterday at a catfish buffet. I was minding my own business with my father while he stepped to the restroom. A lady was leaving with her dog in tow clearly marked as a service animal. He turned and said, " We don't need any stinkin' dogs in here do we." I told him sir, It's a service animal. then his daughter chimed in her 40's. I tried to be nice explaining even folks with seizures require animal assistance ( Even told them federal law covers it). She was like yea I heard about some of that. But after he seen, I wouldn't agree they turned back to their food. He told her curtly, do they both need the dog for seizures? folks will argue the facts even when they can't even win on spirit of things. If I had had the eloequence of Cort, I might have had more success ape brain. Some folks like Carol have no respect for the exercise of free will or independence unless it affects theirs.
Sorry it was a long post guys.



Nov 19, 2009
Chicago, IL
Thanks for the words of appreciation. Great fraternity here, and happy to contribute in a helpful way. :puffpipe:

Speaking of being helpful, while I have no connection with PM.com or LuxuryTobaccoReviews.com, I would encourage everyone to support the sponsors of these sites for two reasons:
  • (1) this e-mag is an active and energetic promoter of smokers' rights, and the more prosperous it is the stronger will be its voice on our behalf;

    (2) the site sponsors themselves will benefit, of course, and perhaps realize that it's in their best interests to support lobbyists and activists on our behalf too. So taking your business to them addresses the advocacy issue from two angles.

(Well, that's just the republican / capitalist in me. :lol: Commercial over, resume puffin') :puffy:



Mar 9, 2010
Ignorance is curable. Stupid is to the bone. I think it was Will Rogers who said that. Yes it is true to a degree unless a person is too stupid to accept that they are ignorant.



Smoking a Pipe Right Now
Staff member
Nov 16, 2008
St. Petersburg, FL
Thanks for the words of appreciation. Great fraternity here, and happy to contribute in a helpful way. :puffpipe:

Speaking of being helpful, while I have no connection with PM.com or LuxuryTobaccoReviews.com, I would encourage everyone to support the sponsors of these sites for two reasons:
  • (1) this e-mag is an active and energetic promoter of smokers' rights, and the more prosperous it is the stronger will be its voice on our behalf;

    (2) the site sponsors themselves will benefit, of course, and perhaps realize that it's in their best interests to support lobbyists and activists on our behalf too. So taking your business to them addresses the advocacy issue from two angles.

(Well, that's just the republican / capitalist in me. :lol: Commercial over, resume puffin') :puffy:
Thanks Larry. That warms my heart. :D
There are new comments from Carol, and a brand new response from Cortezattic
Ocean City Maryland Public Park Smoking Ban.



Jul 13, 2010
Just read through the comments section. Kudos to Cortez for the most excellent responses to "Carol." She does seem to be on the extreme end of the spectrum and needs to get a life. She indeed does seem to be a "sheeple."



Part of the Furniture Now
Jul 28, 2010
New Jersey
I just want to eat her cats. I do have to say Cortez is a fine example of a Piper with the politics. I on the other hand am not. I believe in ancient martial art of fahq and I am well versed in it when it comes to the sheeple. I love the term sheeple, I use it on a daily basis at work when we talk politics. Which is a tough topic in our family since we are all so differnt, but that is another story,
P.S. I didn't kick a puppy. I smoke Penzance instead!



Jan 31, 2011
Excellent responses Cortez! God save us from the tyranny of “do-gooders”. There are so many things that could be said, but I’ll just offer these 2:
1) Anyone so obsessed with restricting smoking is not only a narcissistic control freak who expects everyone else to be just like them, but is also so out of touch with reality that they make an issue like this such a priority. Do these people have any idea what all is really going on in the world? Cigarette butts and “second hand smoke” is what they spend their time worrying about? Are you kidding me? It would be a major self-improvement if these people took up smoking.
2) Even though these kind of people are usually primarily “targeting” cigarette smokers, they never really give a damn how their draconian measures will affect pipe or cigar smokers or anyone else…or what other unintended consequences of their actions may be, economic, social or otherwise. They see all of that as “collateral damage”. Like Cortez said, instead of just enforcing existing littering laws, they want to ban all smoking. It’s like carpet bombing a village to kill one “combatant”.
These people want to use government power to solve every problem, but government is not a fine instrument, it’s just a big hammer.
“When you’re a hammer, everything looks like a nail.”



Part of the Furniture Now
Jul 28, 2010
New Jersey
Well Mason brought up the word Sheeple on this thread first so he will need the credit for that one. I have used it before but Mason did beat me to the punch so all credit goes to Mason. I think I read that word a couple of years ago reading some comments on a political post, it was used by some EU guy that said the Americans were all sheeple since we roll over to the Government.



Can't Leave
Dec 14, 2010
Way to go, Cortez. There's just too many Carols in this World.
Kevin, now I see why you want people to post comments on the articles.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jan 3, 2011
While Cortez's responses to Carol are certainly well-constructed, thoughtful, civil and altogether reasonable, I am wondering if isn't time to let this go.

To me, this now has the feel of "piling on."

After reading Carol's second response I'm probably in the minority but I think it's time to thank her for her candor and move on.

We can disagree with her all we want, but to what effect?

Her attitudes have been shaped by her personal experiences, some involving the death of family members.

Her life experiences deserve at the minimum some respect.

If you're genuinely interested in the effective protection of an individual's "right to smoke" I am not so sure this is an effective way to go about it.

Perhaps, there are better places to direct your energy.

Sure, we can pat each other on the back and toss around some slogans about liberty and personal freedom but that really only validates our own perspective.

It is an exercise in preaching to the choir.

As a smoker, I disagree with Carol, but I'm never going to be able to change her attitude or even influence her behavior.

Sometimes, it's best to agree to disagree and simply move on.



Jan 31, 2011
cornguy: Well said, and I mostly agree. But the comments in the forum here are just "the choir" venting. Most, if not all, of the comments here were not transferred to the article comments...so it's just the choir talking to itself...I don't think that counts as "piling on".

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