I think your opinion piece says a lot but one thing it does not do is refute the evolution of pipe smokers. It rightly criticizes snobbery but it does not get to the crux of the issue.
Just as there are flightless birds and blind cave fish - animals which have, for one reason or another, shed abilities and senses that they do not need whatsoever for survival - there are pipe smokers who are fully satisfied to smoke Prince Albert or Middleton Cherry for 50 years. That is not to say that they possess inferior taste, but that they have no need, desire, or inclination to change brands; their needs are met, and they are at the end stage of their "evolution". If one of those blends was discontinued, they'd have to adapt somehow - maybe another burley or cherry aro, but their tastes will have changed to suit the situation. Take me, for example. I didn't find full enjoyment from drugstore aromatics and I am now searching for what I enjoy most - in the process I am sampling all the various styles I can get my hands on. That is a little more dynamic process of change, to me I'm evolving as a pipe smoker whether or not I end up smoking Ten Russians or 1Q. I just finished a bowl of Tastemaster (chocolate aro) that time and didn't enjoy it half so much as PS Balkan Supreme or Escudo, and rightfully I'm probably going to leave it behind because it doesn't please me. "Smoke what you like and like what you smoke" are great words to proceed with, but they don't clash with the concept that a pipe smoker "evolves". I don't think anyone among us is so naive as to smoke a blend continuously just because it is popular; if an English doesn't suit us, then we will move on - even if that's to MacBaren's Vanilla Cream, it's still a process whereby one's taste as a pipe smoker "matures" and where you can definitively state the boundaries of your tastes. I've never once heckled somebody for their choices; heck, I can't understand how people can smoke plugs or knockout Latakia blends but I don't consider myself impoverished because they are higher up on the totem pole and I'll never take up those tobaccos - they just aren't for me and I'm that much farther along because I know where I stand. Even this early on in the game, I can see the direction my tastebuds are taking me and that to me is progress, "evolution", or whatever term you want to call it.
Bob, I would call someone like yourself an omnivore and that is how you've evolved. You know you like a wide variety, and pick and choose as it suits you. That's probably where a lot of us will end up. There are some people who stick with aros because they love them, there are some who will stick with aros because they don't give anything else a chance, and there are some people who will walk away from aros with a shudder and light up some Charing Cross for their AM pick me up every day. You might alternate both with some Virginias and a burley on the side, but it's all a part of the journey called "evolution" in my books.
I will, however, contend that it is easier to appreciate the differences between tobaccos and appreciate the nuances of blends without a casing overload in the way. To me, that is the beauty of English mixtures and all the other styles that don't rely as much on sugary sauces. Doesn't mean they can't all be enjoyable when the occasion is right.
Just my take on the matter, good discussion, but too quick to dismiss "evolutionary" concepts outright.