Ever ghost a pipe?

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Jun 21, 2010
I know people have different likes and dislikes when it comes to odors. Have you ever smoked a pipe tobacco that left an unpleasant (to you) odor in your pipe? How did you de-ghost your pipe?
When my briar was barely broken in, I tried some Peterson's Irish Flake in it. I was (and still am pretty much) a very inexperienced pipe smoker, and the label on the tin, "for experienced pipe smokers" was almost like a dare. ;)
Anyway, this tobacco left an unpleasant (to me) ashtray odor that wouldn't go away. Then one day I bought a pouch of regular ol' Prince Albert. After a couple of bowls, the odor of my pipe had changed. Either it really does smell better now, or I have just gotten more used to the odor of tobacco. What do you think?



Smoking a Pipe Right Now
Staff member
Nov 16, 2008
St. Petersburg, FL
I think Bob knows how to de-ghost a pipe. He knows everything.
Peterson Irish Flake makes the room spin on me, but I still occasionally smoke it.
The Prince Albert probably did impart its' own essence helping to cover up some of the Irish Flake.



Staff member
Apr 8, 2009
Ghosting of a pipe can and does happen. Almost all of the time the ghost can be smoked out, eventually. Depending on the blend that ghosted the pipe, it can take quite a few bowls smoked to get rid of the ghost.
If you want to help remove the ghost faster, you can do a salt & alcohol treatment of the chamber. I don't like doing a S&A treatment too much, so I always smoke the ghost out.
I can not recall me ever doing a S&A treatment on a pipe that I bought un-smoked and have only smoked myself. The only time that I really do a S&A treatment is when I purchase an estate pipe. I want it fresh for me to start smoking.



Jun 11, 2010
Dave, I had the ash tray odor in my pipe too. This might sound weird, but I took some baking soda, put it in a tea bag, rolled it up and put it in the bowl of the pipe for a week. The smell did seem to improve, at least to my wife's nose. There are other ways I've read about in the forums that work. (baking with charcoal and salt/alcohol treatment). I've had success with s&a.



Dec 14, 2009
Birmingham, AL
I've never really had a problem with ghosts in my pipe.

With one notable exception.

Wessex Brigade Apple (which I love, even though it bites like a junk yard dog) will hammer a ghost into a pipe faster than anything I have ever smoked. That is why I smoked it exclusively in my American Calabash (The Ice Cream Dish). When they quit producing it the world became a lesser place and I was glad to have that ghost, but with all good things.... it came to an end.
Now, I just clean my pipe well and swab out the bowl with Ezra Brooks on a paper towel and screw it down tight, and that takes out any lingering unpleasantries. And the Ezra Brooks enhances any tobacco flavor but only lasts for that first bowl.



Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 28, 2009
Jacksonville, Florida
I hate cherry, but about 2 years ago for some reason or another I figured I try some super value cherry that came for free from pipesandcigars.com along with my oder. I popped it in my Peterson Deluxe and smoked half bowl. I started to remember I hate cherries again but the damn stuff already ghosted my pipe. I don't know if it was a crazy batch or what but it would not get out even after a S&A treatment. I had to smoke through about 10 to 15 bowls after the S&A to finally enjoy my pipe again. Thats my only experience with ghosted bowls though.



Feb 1, 2010
Almost all tobaccos will ghost a pipe from what I've seen, the Caminetto blends I enjoy will ghost up a pipe something fierce. I know of three ways to deghost a pipe.
1. Smoke the ghost out.

2. Clean, ream and Salt and Alcohol treat the pipe. T I do this whenever I decide to switch the dedication of a pipe from Aromatic to English. You may still have to smoke the pipe a few times to switch it but this really helps.

3. The Statue of Liberty method. Take you pipe by the stem and dip the bowl in gasoline and count to 10 before taking it out. Now light the bowl on fire with your lighter and wave it around over your head (don't be a dope and light the pipe near the gas can, thats just asking for trouble) until the flames extinguish themselves or your arm starts burning. If this happens, it really helps to have a deghosting buddy around with a hose or fire extinguisher. When the pipe is dusted off, I guarantee the ghost will have left the pipe. You just have to not be afraid of a few minor 3rd degree burns for this method. But hey, we're men. We smoke pipes damn it.

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Nov 19, 2009
Chicago, IL
Haunted... LMAO
I intentionally smoke only Perique-heavy blends when breaking in a new pipe, in the hope of permanently imparting that unsweet, dark-fruit, musty odor. But, ironically, since all my pipes now have that odor, I don't recognize it as anything distinctive!



Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 7, 2009
All my pipes are ghosted, some with black ropes, some with UF, some with FVF... You get the idea. If I'm going to try something new, I buy a small to medium sized cob. If I like the new stuff, I have a reason to buy more pipes.



Jun 21, 2010
I think I will avoid the Statue of Liberty method! lol! It might leave a ghost in my shoes.... ;)



Jun 2, 2010
I'm with Chuck on this one. All of my pipes are somewhat ghosted. Some ghosts are more invasive than others though. I have a Bjarne apple that I smoked maybe 2 bowls of some heavily scented Gawith and Hoggarth or Samuel Gawith flake from about 6 years ago. I can still taste it when I get to the bottom of the bowl. It is going away, but good god does that stuff hang around.



Might Stick Around
Jan 5, 2010
call the ghost busters!!!!and if its really bad take it to the exorcist!!!LOL!!

Ever clear and kosher salt over night and let it air out. i guess that ghost will get drunk and have a terrible hang over and leave your pipe alone!!!



Jun 2, 2010
I don't thing Father Merrin and Father Karras together could exorcise a Lakeland ghost. The Lakeland demon is far more powerful than Pazuzu himself.



Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 7, 2009
Ohin3, to remove the Lakeland ghost at the bottom, you need to clean the mortice and draught hole until the pipe cleaners come back clean. This includes any ridges in the mortice. Any color other than bare wood will leave some of that flavor behind.



Nov 19, 2009
Chicago, IL
I think a little hint of the Lakeland scent is a good thing. Clarifying, in a way -- though I guess it would interfere with the flavors of subtle blends, if one was pursuing them.



Jun 2, 2010
I agree Cortez. I'm not complaining about the Lakeland ghost...I kind of like it. Adds that little bit of something to the end of a smoke. Every now and then I crave that Lakeland perfume and fire up a bowl of 1792. I love how that stuff permeates your entire existence.

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