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Nov 21, 2011
claypipesarchaeologist (I call her archy) is a fairly new piper to the forum, but appears to be fitting right in. Her posts are reasoned, intelligent and always have something to add; she's one of my favorite posters. She just took up piping, and being still in school to become a real archaeologist and not rich, got some kind gifts from the Free Pipe Project and generous donors.
She had a fight with someone and that someone took her pipes out to the woods and smashed them. She was hurt by the fact they were gifts, and it was done behind her back specifically to hurt her. Members immediately stepped up to offer to replace the pipes.
I said I'd send a pipe, but I'm disabled and didn't have the postage money, so I said if she could cover the postage, I'd send her a new pipe. She said she would, and would include extra 'goodies'; I had no idea what that would be.
I just got the package and it's awesome. She not only included the postage but extra for beer money, because she did not want to deny a man 'one beer or several'. She also included some typical archy type gifts, picked out just for me based on our emails back and forth. She's a big outdoorsman, and spends weeks in the bush, so sent a lump of interesting wood, a little stone I bet she found, an old antique-looking cowbell thing, an Indianapolis 500 belt buckle, a biography of an early American trapper, a couple of Dinky toys (a Spitfire and a Jeep), and a stuffed Gremlin because she's a girl. Pretty sweet. Check out her posts when she gets back; she doesn't post fluff, and always has something to add. She's a perfect example of the quality folks pipes seem to attract.
She's backpacking all this month without internet access, so I'm trying to sneak this in withour her seeing it, but I still don't want to post what I'm sending her just in case. It does include my finest pipe, a couple of hiking pipes from Missouri, if you take my meaning, about a pound of things, and some personal goodies from me.
Here's what she sent. Not shown is the twelve pack of Guinness Stout or the bottle of cheap bourbon I'm currently enjoying, in a basic MM cob loaded with McClelland Blue Mountain. Thank you archy :) Expect pics of my CARE pack to her when she gets back next month, unless of course she gets eaten by a bear.

PS And one more shout out to sjb3 for the tobacco and pipes I sent her; buddy, you're not on the forum anymore, but your gift keeps on giving on. Thanks bud.



Jun 19, 2013
Very kind and thoughtful care package. Nice gal, that Archy.



Starting to Get Obsessed
May 14, 2014
Boise, ID
wth, someone smashed her pipes? Like for real smashed them? 8O
Well I hope things work out better for her in the future with her new pipes. Very good of both her and you to be so generous!



Nov 21, 2011
Yes mac, looks like they took them out back and smashed them with a rock. Nasty, personal thing to do. I don't know what the fight was about and don't care; none of my business. Don't worry, the pipers on the forum replaced her pipes. She posted pics of the smashing and the story here:
Murder Most Foul

Jan 8, 2013
Hah! She sent a Magwai! :) Now that gal has taste :) Just be sure you don't get it wet, and never.... NEVER feed it after midnight :)
That was very kind of her. And I saw the post about her broken pipes. That's not just mean, that's that evil kind of mean. Done with the sole purpose of causing someone real pain. I'm glad some folks here stepped up and helped her out. It's one of those things that makes this forum so great :)



Nov 21, 2011
Yep, thoughtful is the word. I'd mentioned I like racing, so she sent the Indy 500 belt buckle, camping and living outdoors stuff, so the wood, stone and book, military history, so the Jeep and Spitfire, and used to have pet cows that would come in the kitchen if you forgot to lock the door, so I guess the cowbell thingie. Not sure why I deserved the little demon toy, but I suppose college girls have extra stuffed animals. Is it just me, or is it looking at me in the pic? What am I not supposed to do with it again?



Nov 3, 2013
In the sticks in Mississippi
Wonderful responses from all parties! I saw the post about the broken pipes earlier, and showed it to my wife. She said she would probably shoot ME before killing innocent pipes! I guess that's both good news and bad news for me. The collection of found items is great! Interesting stuff to ponder and wonder about their history.

I too look forward to some more posts from her.

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