There are lots of brand names and price levels to consider. I'd take your time window shopping, months at least. You can smoke a MM cob or whatever briar you have on hand in the meantime to develop "technique."
Only buy one pipe at a time, is my suggestion. Don't do binge buying. Pick out five or six candidates and winnow down to one. This will teach you what you value, and make you look closely and think carefully about each pipe. You'll learn a lot about the pipes, and about yourself.
Get used to reading the specifications on each pipe, so you know about sizes, shapes, materials, proportions of the chamber to the dimensions of the rest of the pipe.
Learn about filters. It's not rocket science, but there are a few familiar sizes and a few odd lot versions. Many pipes that take filters can be smoked with satisfaction without them. You can also use "adaptors," to smoke filter pipes without filters for a little more restricted draw, but smoking without the filters is usually fine, depending on the individual pipe and your preferences.
There are two distinct schools on price. Some say buy the "best," meaning most expensive, pipe you can afford. Others insist that many moderately priced pipes smoke as well as any. The reasons for buying high end pipes are partly for aesthetics and prestige. I'd say, don't try to buy great pleasure with more expensive pipes. If you have the discretionary income and come to believe in some high end pipes, go with it. But don't think you'll get twice as much satisfaction for twice as much money.