Estate Pipe Question/Newbie Smoker

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Starting to Get Obsessed
Jan 7, 2014
Hows a'going guys? I've been a long time cigar smoker who is moving on to pipes...for lots of reasons! One of them being that I like collecting!
So I have a couple cobs, and they're fun and all but I really want to start getting into briars. I have been looking into estate pipes because I like the idea of smoking a relic and I love win!
So I found a website where a guy specializes in selling old estate pipes. Some of them are name brands (Savinelli, Peterson, the basics) and they're all reasonable. Then he has a lot of off brands that I am assuming are vintage seconds...and they are CHEAP. Like $5-$15 cheap...they all look good in the pictures...So I guess the question is...If I am just buying an estate pipe purely as a smoker, how cheap is to cheap? How good is too good to be true? Not looking for a priceless heirloom, just a good ol' smoker. I realize that the pipes in the $30-$70 range are probably a better bet, but being new to the estate pipe game I wanted to make sure I wasn't missing out on some amazing deals.
Some of the cheaper brands are John Middleton, Whitehall, Moore Mark, Captain Browne, Brewster, Kleenest, and of course a bunch of Dr. Grabows!



Can't Leave
Feb 20, 2013
It all depends of your tates really, how you like a pipe to sit, how it smokes, what you're smoking, bent or straight. At that price though, id go for some Dr.Grabows above all..... They seem to have a good reputation. Ive owned 3, sold 2.
I found them all good smokers.



Oct 6, 2009
Any of those brands are worth $5-15.00 if in good condition and most of them will make good smokers once cleaned and shined up. Most of those are no longer being made, but for those that are you can research what new pipes are selling for and base what you want to pay on that.

You can buy a new Grabow for $25-35.00, and estate for .99 to $20-25.00. A select few will go higher.

If you find particular pipes you like and need more info, just ask here. Someone will help.

Welcome to the forum!



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jan 7, 2014
Well the Grabows are all a little more expensive, but for the most part they are all under $20...
I guess I just don't like the way a lot of the Grabows look, and I figure for 5 more bucks I can get a brand new one haha



Feb 21, 2013
I don't do restoration, but for the labor you'll invest, you might want to go with a slightly more expensive pipe

to justify your sweat equity. Just a thought.



Oct 6, 2009
Well the Grabows are all a little more expensive, but for the most part they are all under $20...
I guess I just don't like the way a lot of the Grabows look, and I figure for 5 more bucks I can get a brand new one haha
True,but,did you know that ALL of the new Grabows are filter pipes? Of course they can be smoked without a filter but some don't like the really open draw they give without one-I don't.

Few companies have made more pipe lines in as many shapes and finishes as Grabow so there may be others you like. Kaywoodie made a million different shapes,lines and finishes as did Medico and Yellobole. Mastercraft imported ship loads of pipes from France,Italy and England in a huge variety of shapes,sizes and finishes.
There's a million estates out there,most of which are good pipes and it can be fun finding and restoring then smoking them.



Oct 6, 2009
I don't do restoration, but for the labor you'll invest, you might want to go with a slightly more expensive pipe

to justify your sweat equity. Just a thought.
While I understand what you're saying to the OP-- I disagree. I have restored or refinished many cheap pipes,putting anywhere from 1 to 6 hours into getting them clean and looking nice and then smoked them for years! Very cheap investment in my book.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jan 7, 2014
As far as the work it'd take to bring them back...I enjoy that and look forward to it! Plus I like the idea of bringing something back and making it practical again.
And I have read that older Grabows are a lot better and that almost all briar pipes from the '50s-'60s are actually better because the briar they used were of higher quality back then.
If the odds are on my side for them being good smokers, maybe I will contact the seller and see if he will sell some to me as a lot deal. Then maybe I can knock some more capitol off, and if they are garbage, at least I didn't ruin a $100 pipe if I mess up restoring it! :lol:
Thanks for all the awesome feedback already! This community rock!



Jun 23, 2013
The Hills of Tennessee
Restoring old estate pipes is a lot of fun (and work), it's a great way to build a rotation as well! My suggestion to you is to check out some antique stores. Often times you can find killer deals on estates at antique stores, sometimes even finding pipes that retail for several hundred dollars can be had for a little of nothing! For example, I have a 1960's Charatan (in good condition) that I paid $6 for! Also, shopping for pipes at antique stores lets you put your hands and eyes directly on the pipes, not to mention the thrill of the hunt!
Welcome to the forum, and good luck to you!




Starting to Get Obsessed
Jan 7, 2014
Thanks petes!
I have gone to a couple antique stores in my area, and one had some MM cobs and a couple Yello-Boles...
They were all around $7. I thought about picking up the Yello-Boles more than once...for $7 how can you go wrong right?! haha



Aug 23, 2013
I have a Middleton that is absolutely fantastic. Two other brands that come to my mind are Arlington, the Custom Deluxe with sterling bands are great smokers, and Ehrlich, pipes from the now closed tobacconist in Boston. I'll throw Edward's Algerian Briar pipes in there too, maybe not for $5-$10, but some great pipes can be found for less than $30. The search is an enjoyable part of the game!



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jan 7, 2014
Buy the Moore Mark! it is a Custom-Bilt second, good as the firsts just made for a differnt company, old briar good drilling. Do It.
He has a couple of these all in reasonable price ranges...
I emailed him about doing a lot sale to cut some of the cost...he said that if I made reasonable offers that he would consider it.
I think I am going to try to get 6 for about 30-45 bucks before shipping. I hope he bites! I see a lot that I like from him and I am itchin to restore and smoke some pipes.
Like I said, I have some MM Cobs I am using now...But I want some briars already! I just wish he had a poker for sale!



Dec 14, 2015
If you just want good smoking pipes at a very reasonable cost, estates are a good way to go, but for $40.00 you can get an H.I.S. pipe made by Guardesana. They are not high end pipes by any means, but they smoke great! I have three of them in my rotation along with Castellos, Ascortis, Caminettos, etc. You can't beat them for the price and you get the added advatages of getting to break in your own pipe and building your cake with tobacco you like, which will affect the taste of future smokes.



Feb 21, 2013
Just a footnote: Dr. Grabow pipes accept Savinelli adaptors in place of their 6 mm filters, if you don't want a filter but would like a more restricted draw than just smoking without the filter. If you want to buy a Dr. Grabow new, or find one as an estate pipe, I think the Royalton series with the slightly more upscale acrylic stem is worth it, for under $40 new most places. Royaltons are available in bulldog, "apple" that looks like a prince, and billiard, at various different online retailers; these are the shapes I've seen for sale, though there may be others. These are "basic" factory pipes, but are generally good quality materials and manufacture, all made in Sparta, N.C. (upper northwest part of state).



May 6, 2016
West Texas
Good deals are out there but I'd suggest doing resurch on pipe brand history, example; a vintage 4 hole stinger Kaywoodie, or one with the solid clover smokes alot better than a newer one, many makers have history going back to the 1800's however as the company changes in ownership, production methods change and other factors cause some pipe to lose their status. A lot of the mid range pipes fall into this category.
Read alot and discover what pipe brands and era are worthwhile them look for those pipes and you will find the deals.



Feb 21, 2013
The $7 Yello-Boles sound good. I have a recently-made new one, and it smokes well. Be sure they are briar pipes, not Brylon; Brylon works for certain applications, like a very dirty work place, but is not an ideal pipe otherwise. For estates, for starters, I'd buy from You can buy an English estate pipe for $60, ready to smoke. On ebay, you can find some real bargains, but also get some real stinkers.

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