Estate Ethics

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Jan 8, 2013
I see no problem with buying estate pipes. Granted, If I can get the same pipe new, it's the preferred method for me. But sometimes a certain pipe may become hard to find, or is no longer in production (If a Peterson Grafton 106 comes up on the estate market, I'm snagging it), and might be found as an estate. Or you simply can't afford a certain maker's pipes but you can find them for far less cost as an estate. It's not hurting the maker of the pipe, as the pipe was once sold at full price.


Chasing Embers

Captain of the Black Frigate
Nov 12, 2014
It's like questioning the ethics of buying a used home or vehicle. The contractors or manufacturers were already paid for their services.



Jan 5, 2018
The Faroe Islands
Quality briar pipes are designed to last. That is part of the value. If they were intended to be tossed after a few smokes, they wouldn't be so well made, and the whole culture of pipe smoking would be very different. I think the craftsmanship and durability of briar pipes is an integrated part of our culture, and the estate market is an important part of it all. If that died out, so would the quality of pipes. Disposable pipes have their use, cobs and such, but we don't want all of our pipes to be disposable.



Can't Leave
Aug 3, 2017
Ok Tim, the gauntlet has been thrown down. All I can say is ….. No Castello’s for you, nor any soup!!!!!! Just kidding.
As ( mainly ) an estate pipe dealer, I would reply that if pre smoked pipes stopped being bought, Briar Blues, would become a new pipe seller with a much smaller inventory. As I do sell new Castello’s, I would still continue to do so, BUT my ability to purchase new inventory would be reduced dramatically. My profits go back into the business. I try and buy “interesting” Castello’s that have something unusual / unique about them.
I suspect that if all the dealers in estate pipes stopped, over all sales of pipes would slow down to a stand still. Why? If pipe owners cannot generate money to buy pipes, pipe sales will cease. There will be collections of pre smoked pipes sitting in racks collecting dust. Extra buying money will be limited to what’s in the pipe budget, after the normal household expenses are paid. If your income is limited by what you can spend, you can’t buy. So to create money, one needs an avenue to sell, so you can buy.
There is a difference between a singular carver, in their shop, carving and selling pipes, as opposed to companies such as Castello, Savinelli, Stanwell, Dunhill, etc that have “factories” that make pipes.
I’d really love to start selling artisan made pipes. The business man in me sees dollar signs, buying at wholesale and selling at retail. However, knowing the effort each singular carver goes through to eek out a living stops me.
I do, on occasion, buy artisan pipes, to re sell. I buy very few, and only to help boost a carvers exposure. Once the carver has enough direct clients, I do not buy their pipes any longer. They need and deserve our support as much as possible.
Pipes are not like automobiles, which are produced in the 100’s of thousands. If you wish to try that comparison, think about a limited edition automobile, such as the Aston Martin Dunhill. Very few produced and at a very steep cost and selling price. Pipes are not like Ford or Chevy.
To me, pipes are more in kind with luxury watches. Small batches. High quality. They tend to make a statement about the owner. Hand made pipes, in my mind, are the same.
Pre smoked pipes compare to vintage autos and vintage watches. Jesse collects specific era Barling’s. If he was into cars, maybe he’d drive a 1960’s E type Jag. Then again, maybe he does, and at the same time wears his 1960’s Rolex Daytona ala Steve McQueen.
Hell, look at Brian! He collects Disney pipes. I bet he’s not finding those newly made.
You yourself have just purchased a few Castello limited edition pipes. I know because I do see your Facebook posts. Once a limited edition is sold out, then what? You just give up trying to buy that pipe you really desire?
I say support the B&M’s. I say support the artisan carvers. I say support the factory pipe makers as well. Both with new and pre smoked pipes. Nothing says more to show off a pipe company, than buyers that want both new and used products. Nothing says more to a pipe carver or company than a following that loves their work.
It’s not about new versus used. It is about keeping the carvers in business.
Now I’ll crawl back into my cave and make a mental note to not send you anymore updates when great Castello’s arrive. Remember, no more Castello’s or soup, for you! ;)

Michael J. Glukler



Starting to Get Obsessed
Sep 15, 2017
Michael, you are a cruel man :) :) :)

Everybody deserves soup.... once in a while ;)



Part of the Furniture Now
Feb 7, 2018
If it were not for estate pipes, i would be smoking nothing but cobs. I cannot afford those ridiculous prices.



Dec 14, 2015
Thank you all for your input. There are some very valid opinions here on the subject. I will not, however, validate the "used car" arguments. 99% of adults own and buy cars. Auto manufacturers make billions of dollars and dont have to worry about supply greatly exceeding demand as pipe carvers do IMO. That said, I agree with most of the aforementioned arguments and will continue to buy, and sell, estate pipes myself. I am a state worker with a limited budget and 2 sons in college. Unfortunately, I also have fairly expensive tastes in pipes. I have never used our paycheck money to by a pipe. They have all been purchased with money I've made re-selling estates, or were gifts. I wouldn't have ANY nice pipes without the estate market. I do buy new when I can because I want to support the maker and help ensure their continued existence. Mike (henceforth known as the "pipe nazi), you always have interesting Castellos and I will continue to drool over the Pipes on your sight!



Dec 14, 2015
Now that I think about probably should avoid buying estate Castello's especially 55’s. :wink:

Lol! No worries, Philo, I still haven't found a 55 I can't live without!

Chasing Embers

Captain of the Black Frigate
Nov 12, 2014
I will not, however, validate the "used car" arguments
My point was not about volume, but that the pipe manufacturer had already received compensation for the pipe when originally sold.

Oct 7, 2016
@alan73: +1
I buy both. I hope a pipe is a lifetime acquisition, but sometimes I am wrong. I would be buying many fewer new pipes if I did not know there was an estate market out there.



Can't Leave
Aug 3, 2017
Tim, you can call me anything you like. My 3 ex wives have called me much worse than anything you can think

of. ;)
As far as Castello shape 55's ..... ( big evil grin ) .... I have a Castello Collection Fiammata, on the site right now. Such a deal I can work for you......

The Pipe Nazi ....... ;)



Dec 14, 2015
Great point, Old Geezer!

Mike - Grrrr!You're killing me Here! I've been pretty active in my purchasing lately. Need air!



Can't Leave
Aug 3, 2017
Tim, Tim, Tim ... air is highly over rated. Take less breathes ..... Castello Collection Fiammata 2k's do not come around very often.... but I understand... ;)
The Pipe Nazi .......

Jan 28, 2018
Sarasota, FL
Auto manufacturers make billions of dollars and dont have to worry about supply greatly exceeding demand as pipe carvers do IMO.
Really? Tell that to Chrysler and General Motors that had to be bailed out by the US Government.
It really boils down to personal choice. If you have an ethical problem, don't do it. As you can see by the responses, the vast majority of people see no ethical problem. Your facts and logic don't support your argument but again, you have the freedom to spend your money however you wish.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Mar 5, 2018
By buying Estate pipes you keep the second hand market prices higher. This, in tern makes people feel more comfortable in spending a lot of money on a new pipe. If you paid $500 for a pipe and you knew that once you smoked it it was only worth $20 then you wouldn't feel so confident in buying a $500 pipe.
Iff you we're considering buying a $500 pipe and You knew that in the future you could sell it for two or $300 then you would be more confident in paying the $500 since your risk is lower then if you could only sell it for $20.

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