The Bang estate pipes I saw online run in the thousands. To me, those prices are absurd. To someone who sold their tech business for several hundred million or more, its pocket change. For others, who have the money but not infinitely deep pockets -- ah, for them, it is a philosophical question. Still, I don't think it is disingenuous to say that a little Yello-Bole briar Checker panel pipe with a saddle stem (around $30), or a similar little Kaywoodie blast Saxon push bit panel for about the same can give you years, decades of pleasant smoking, and with a little care and upkeep, smoking about as good as it gets. (Minor disclaimer: I find the Bang designs a little bulky for my taste, beautifully worked but not altogether pleasing. A different artisan pipe might strum my heart strings more and have me pining for a winning lottery ticket.)