Hobie1dog to the rescue :mrgreen: Since you are new, I'll start this all over again, and welcome to the forum. Penzance has limited distribution, we cannot change that. What you can do is write down every online and local retailers that anyone mentions, and get their phone number, and go down your list and call everyone of them every week to find out what their inventory is, whether or not the carry it, stock it monthly, and also to put you on a call list when they get it in. If you do not put in the required effort, you will not get any results. I have lots of Penzance, only because I did the above mentioned work involved. I think there are 16 shops on my list that I use to call weekly to find my stockpile of Penzance. It is my go-to all-time favorite pipe tobacco, and I was thrilled the first time I tried it and went HOLY CRAP, this is my flavor orgasm, this is the unique blend that defines pipe tobacco for me.
As far as substitutes, I also recommend GL Pease "Quiet Nights", but once again it's only a similar flavor, not the real McCoy.
Remember, you must put in effort to find out who has it in stock...this week, or when they will get it in the next time. And remember to ask them if they will call you when they get it in. I got many of my 8 ounce bags that way. Let us know how you like it when you obtain some of it.