Recently purchased some escudo and really enjoyed. Just curious to those that have had some aged. How big a difference does it make with this blend? And I know answers will vary.
It's very different. I don't even smoke fresh Escudo anymore. I have my stash tucked away aging nicely and just smoke other blends until those hit the five year mark.
It's good fresh but it is phenomenal aged. The oldest I've smoked is 5 years old and it is darn good. But even with a year on the tin it is really good.
It's the beginning of the sweet spot. I've smoked Escudo that's 10, 15, and 25+ years old. The changes in flavor are much less pronounced after 5 years, but I'd say 5-10 years is a good range.
The difference I taste is that the flavor of the Virginias becomes more pronounced and a little sweeter, and that the Perique loses it's pepperiness, becoming more fruity. It's an overall richer, fuller, and slightly more complex blend with some years on it. I also like Escudo fresh, but it's a very different animal than aged.
I am currently in the end stages of this exact comparison. I finished a tin of 7 year old escudo two weeks ago and am now smoking some that is roughly 1 year old. The difference is the Perique is almost an afterthought on the aged. If I think of the aged as a Virginia it is really good. Some sweetness and a smooth smoke. If i think of it as a VaPer it is a bit flat as there really is no spicyness to it. Since I am a straight VA guy the aged is a top smoke.
I love Escudo and look forward to trying some with some age on it. What I currently do is purchase a tin or two a month to smoke fresh and a tin to put into the cellar for a much later time. If I keep up my tin or so a month then in five or so years I can begin to smoke the aged tobacco and put my then current purchase in the cellar to start their aging process. A slow, but hopefully fruitful, and after five years maybe fruity, endeavor.