English Blends -- BLOWN UP

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Starting to Get Obsessed
Apr 26, 2010
Hey everyone,
forgive my first post and thread likely being in the wrong forum, but I'm hoping it's location helps my cause.
Im a younger guy 26, not very big at 150lbs and never smoked any tobacco prior to grabbing some pipes a few years ago. I smoked them for a few months and due to being early in a relationship, lacking any free time with school and full time job, I put them down. Recently, I've found myself spending an evening or two every week on the porch enjoying a bowl and a baseball game. (the then girlfriend, and now wife has taken a fancy to me being out of her way for a few hours I guess)
Problem...I prefer the richness and lack of lingering mouthfeel of some milder english blends like FMATP and recently Chelsea Morning, but these blends absolutely blow me up. I'm talking full-on, head spinning, ketamine like sensation. I'm a sipper (so says my father who is an old puffer himself), but still I'm getting too heady for comfort.
I'm rarely able to finish a full bowl. Clearly this whole thing is supposed to be pleasurable, but after about 40 minutes and maybe 2/3 of a smoke, my ears are ringing. The recent suspect, Chelsea Morning, is supposed to be a 'mild' blend but it rocks me. I have 2 pipes that I smoke some aromatics through, and I enjoy them but I can still taste them the next morning.
Anyone else find themselves in this situation? I'm obviously only beginning the adventure, and there are many many blends out there. I'm just concerned that with the infrequency with which I smoke that I may never develop any kind of tolerance to this new and tastey blend.



Mar 27, 2010
Welcome Jay…

We have a good group here and I’m sure you will receive several recommendations. When transitioning from Aromatics to English blends I personally found straight Virginia tobaccos like Mac Barren’s HH Mature Virginia to be a good smoke because of the natural sweetness of the tobacco and without the nicotine buzz of some English blends.

You’ll find some very good tobacco reviews from Bob on this site and if you haven’t already you should also checkout www.tobaccoreviews.com.
One of the first English blends I tried was Peterson’s Old Dublin, which gave me a good but unwanted buzz with the first bowl. I put it away and didn’t try it again for a couple weeks, and to my surprise the blend mellowed out and now has become one of my go to smokes. You may want to put the lid back on your Chelsea Morning tin and let it just set on the shelf for a couple weeks before trying it again and with a little luck maybe you’ll experience the same results that I did.
Currently my favorite English is a blend from J.M. Boswell called Northwoods, they call it full bodied and full flavor, which I agree with but it doesn’t give me a buzz.
Give it sometime, smoke slow, and don’t try anything new on an empty stomach and I bet you’ll grow to love it just like the rest of us.
Welcome again and I look forward to your future post.




Part of the Furniture Now
Feb 11, 2010
And jayh if you get full just put the piep down for awhile and come bac to it later. in many cases this actually enhances the blend. Most seem to get richer, deepr, smoother... something.
Delayed Gratification Technique (DGT).
You may find too that blends heavy in oriental have less on a nicotine wallop. Orientals are typically small leaf tobaccos and air (less often flue) cured. This generally makes them very low in nicotine Maybe a light Balkan blend. Latakia character but mellowed way out by the orientals.
And as JC said, a nice mellow VA is always nice.
I find Orlik Golden Sliced to be a very mild VA with a hint of topped sweetness that will keep you happy and not puffing like a train looking for flavor in a "pure" VA.



Mar 9, 2010
Try a Balkan like Balkan Supreme from Peter Stokkebye. They are a bit heavier on the oriental tobaccos



Starting to Get Obsessed
Apr 26, 2010
Thanks a lot everyone! Good to know about the orientals...maybe thats why I didnt get the same impact from the Frog Morton Across The Pond. I'll make sure not to get after an English blend on an empty stomach and try some balkans in the near future.
Thanks again guys. Good to see how quickly everyone is to offer friendly suggestions...real answers if you will.



Nov 19, 2009
Chicago, IL
Ditto jonesing on the recommendation of Orientals and light Balkans.

I might add, with respect to Latakia, the Syrian leaf is more delicate than the Cyprian.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jul 22, 2009
The 1st English I tried was Dunhill Standard Mixture. Which is pretty heavy in nicotine, and Latakia, and it was love in an instant. Peter Stokkebye Proper English would be the closest thing I can think of to that. DSM is no longer available.

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