I am not as big of a fan of latakia blends as I used to be. I was obsessed with them for the longest time back when everything but Balkan Sobraine was available. I dunno if I just don't care for the other latakia blends that are out there or if I just lost my taste for latakia. I still LOVE Penzance when I am lucky enough to come by it and I would surely love to smoke a bowl of Dunhill London Mixture, Night cap, Early Morning Pipe, MM 965, Esoterica Margate, SG Squadron Leader and a few others that I can't get my hands on these days. I don't smoke as often as I used to either and tend to always set aside time to enjoy my pipe while smoking rather than always having a pipe going. I suppose that is why I have gravitated towards straight Virginia flakes/blends over the years. They seem to keep me captivated while smoking more often than other types of tobacco. Then again, I am starting to really enjoy well made aromatics after 14 years of pipe smoking...go figure.