I got myself, with some help from the shop's owner, a briar of national brand (looking up on the internet it seemed to be a good manufacturer).
The man gave me some tips to start and I gathered some more around the web.
Here is the thing:
I had some trouble with the packing part, as would be expected. I lit it the first time, it felt wrong so i emptied it.
The second time I got it right. After a while I noticed a little crack on the border of bowl that goes 1mm in to the chamber and ends at a little hole of about 3-4mm. I don't know if it was there before or not. (it came with coating)
My questions are:
is it normal or the chamber should be smooth?
I know I should not remove the stem while it is still hot, this applies to removing the ash and dottle?
did I screw up?
Any tips are welcome!
and sorry for any grammar mistakes,
I got myself, with some help from the shop's owner, a briar of national brand (looking up on the internet it seemed to be a good manufacturer).
The man gave me some tips to start and I gathered some more around the web.
Here is the thing:
I had some trouble with the packing part, as would be expected. I lit it the first time, it felt wrong so i emptied it.
The second time I got it right. After a while I noticed a little crack on the border of bowl that goes 1mm in to the chamber and ends at a little hole of about 3-4mm. I don't know if it was there before or not. (it came with coating)
My questions are:
is it normal or the chamber should be smooth?
I know I should not remove the stem while it is still hot, this applies to removing the ash and dottle?
did I screw up?
Any tips are welcome!
and sorry for any grammar mistakes,