Emptying a pipe after smoking and + questions

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Jul 21, 2016
I got myself, with some help from the shop's owner, a briar of national brand (looking up on the internet it seemed to be a good manufacturer).
The man gave me some tips to start and I gathered some more around the web.
Here is the thing:
I had some trouble with the packing part, as would be expected. I lit it the first time, it felt wrong so i emptied it.
The second time I got it right. After a while I noticed a little crack on the border of bowl that goes 1mm in to the chamber and ends at a little hole of about 3-4mm. I don't know if it was there before or not. (it came with coating)
My questions are:
is it normal or the chamber should be smooth?
I know I should not remove the stem while it is still hot, this applies to removing the ash and dottle?
did I screw up?
Any tips are welcome!
and sorry for any grammar mistakes,



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jun 1, 2016
NW Indiana
I am a frequent offender of emptying my bowl prematurely myself, and I haven't noted any cracks on mine, so with my limited knowledge I do not think you screwed up any way, it most likely was something already in the briar that was accentuated by the heat and smoking.

May I ask how you are emptying, and packing though?



Aug 10, 2010
Cheshire, CT
A brand new pipe should be in excellent shape, and a reputable dealer should take the pipe back from you and cheerfully give you a replacement. Once you've finished your smoke, you can safely empty the ashes, just don't bang it against anything hard, or--as you already know--remove the stem while the pipe is still hot. You can safely use a pipe tool to gently remove the ash from your pipe. We're glad to have you on this, your forum, and look forward to your becoming an experienced and happy smoker.



Jul 21, 2016
May I ask how you are emptying, and packing though?
I'm using one of those 3-in-1 tools, using the thin blade to empty it and the bottom to pack. And packing with the three pinch or layers method where I fill it all the way, pack it with moderate strenght, fill again, pack it harder and repeat.
A brand new pipe should be in excellent shape
Glad to hear that. Not that I expect it to last thirty years or so, since I am known for being a bit clumsy with everything, but ruining the pipe on the first go...
And I'd hope to get a taste for the art that is pipe smoking and take that for life,
Thanks for the useful replies!



May 12, 2015
Carmel Valley, CA
Welcome, witiski!
A couple of photos of the area in question would be helpful.
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Aug 14, 2012
I am in favor of emptying the pipe right after smoking. But it never works out that way. I do get them emptied within 3 days. It has not affected the smoke.



May 6, 2016
West Texas
a reputable dealer should take the pipe back from you and cheerfully give you a replacement
Unfortunately in this world some people get "taken", if the dealer does not help with a satisfactory solution feel free to OUT them in the form of an honest review of the business.
Before anything make sure you have all the facts correct, did you in anyway mistreat or abuse the pipe? bang it on a rock to empty it? smoke it and drop it in a bucket of water? anything that could be your fault, if not then give the business a honest review, the business will pay in the end.



Staff member
May 11, 2011
Covington, Louisiana
At the end of a bowl, I use the flat blade of my tamper to gently work the ash or unsmoked leaf from sticking to bowl. Then, dump the ash in the ashtray and gently tap on the cork knocker. I then blow out the pipe, to clear the airway. (That part always gets me in trouble with the wife). I then run a cleaner through the stem. I complete by scrunching a twisted paper towel into the bowl, to keep the cake to a minimum.



Jul 21, 2016
Sorry about the delay, lots of things happened lately.
Before anything make sure you have all the facts correct [...] bang it on a rock to empty it? smoke it and drop it in a bucket of water?
I've been called a ogre ocasionaly, but I was very carefull in this case, didn't mistreat it in any form.
Good news,
Went to the store the next day, long story short, he gave me a replacement. Unfortunately he didn't had any with the same shape as the first one, a round bowl with square-ish sides
I did smoke a few times already and the new pipe is holding up good, so far.
Thanks for all the answers!!

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