Hahaha! I love hearing these kinds of stories! It’s like when grocery shopping with your Mom and accidentally going up to the wrong woman thinking it’s her, that’s happened to me way too many times. I have a bunch of embarrassing stories. I’ll only tell one for now.
Once, I was working for the post office as a rural mail carrier back in my early 20’s. Being a rural carrier you drive your own vehicle and dress in your own clothes, no uniform necessary. I was just starting my route but I needed to fill up on gas and pogy bait so off to the gas station I went. I went to go pump gas in my car, put the nozzle in the gas tank and realized that you needed to prepay for the gas and they didn’t have those convenient credit card slots at the pump so I went inside to pay. While in the store I suddenly realized I needed to use the restroom, so I took care of my business came out and bought some treats and payed for my gasoline. I went back to my car, distracted by the wonderful flavor of my Doitos, I just drove off, totally lost in my junk food bliss. I felt a pull and a loud noise as I pulled off but didn’t think too much of it, looked in my rear view mirror, no dead cat behind me so I thought all was good, time to get to work. A few minutes down the road I noticed I was getting a lot of attention from other drivers. At first it was a wave here and a wave there, I just politely waved back thinking I was a popular mail man today, I’m like a rockstar I’m this town! Woohoo. Then I noticed the car behind me was urgently trying to get my attention, they were waving me down and laughing at the same time, they kept pointing at something on my car. That’s when I noticed it, I looked out the drivers side window in the mirror and noticed there was a big, black hose about 15 ft long hanging out of my car, dragging down the road. “Uh oh!” I thought, “I forgot to get gas”. Pulled over, and took the damn pump out of my gas tank and threw it in the trunk. How embarrassing! Even worse, I still needed gas and had to face the clerk at the gas station and own up to what I’ve done. They were surprisingly cool about it, let me fill up on gas and told me I could keep the hose as a souvenir, lol.