Well, I will chime in. This past week, I have been chatting with a lady who shares many of the same dreams as I do. Living green off the land, micro-life, sustainable living, etc. We have hit is off quite well, and seem to be on the same page in many areas.
She smokes Native Spirit cigs, about a pack a day, I think. She said she's interested in the pipe, but didn't think women smoked pipes. I told her that many women smoke pipes. She said she'd love to but needs to find one that is elegant and feminine. I showed her a few "feminine-looking" (is there such a thing) pipes. She chose one, and I gave her 4 different blends of tobacco on Tuesday. I asked her today how many cigs she smoked yesterday, and it was only 2, whereas normally it is almost a pack. She loves the pipe, the flavor, and so far I think Margate is her fave.
I suppose that if things progress further, keeping her high-maintenance luxury supplied with Margate is much better than shoes and other material extravagances.