Edward G. Robinson's Pipe Blend

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Sultan of Smoke
Aug 31, 2012
Because I've been smoking Edward G. Robinson's Pipe Blend, and have mentioned it a bit on this forum, given or traded some samples from the tub I got, a rep at Sutliff gifted me a tub of EGR, a tin of French Quarter, a tin of Blend #5, and an ounce and half of ERR Match. I promised him I would review each blend for him, too. I did write a review of EGR at Tobacco Reviews, as did a couple of people who got samples from me. http://tobaccoreviews.com/blend_detail.cfm?ALPHA=E&TID=1125 I know this reads a little like an ad, but how often does a rep at a company do something this nice? I wasn't asked to do anything in return, but when a company does something this generous, I think they should be publicly thanked, so hats off to Sutliff for what they did for me.



Mar 27, 2013
Thats a great little anecdote, and a classy gesture from the rep too. Glad that your endorsement of this blend has garnered you a bit of tobacco! I've debated trying EGR and I'm curious about it, but having to buy a tub of it to try it is not going to happen. Enjoy your smokes! (and an "attaboy" to the rep, too!)




Sultan of Smoke
Aug 31, 2012
I talked to the rep about selling it in 1.5 ounce tins for exactly the reason you stated. I tried to talk Rich at 4Noggins to carry it, but he didn't seem interested. Since he sells OTC's by the ounce, I think he'd do well to try a couple of tubs, and sell it as bulk and in tubs. I'm going to work on the rep about selling smaller quantities. I like this blend and am worried about it's future because it's not a big seller, and virtually unknown by the public. I want to be able to buy it in the future.
You could try asking Rich to sell it. If enough people ask, maybe he'll do it.



Sultan of Smoke
Aug 31, 2012
I think most of the one star reviewers never smoked it at all. And yes, EGR is a pleasant easy going smoke. I'm going to cut and paste what I've said about it elsewhere because I think what I said is relevant to this discussion.
I tried to get an online carrier who gives a discount to carry Edward G. Robinson pipe tobacco. He had never heard of it, but after I told him what I thought, he said he'd look into it. The next time I talked to him, he said he didn't think it was a good tobacco because it got several bad reviews on TR, and didn't want to carry a bad tobacco. I went to the site and read the reviews. There were several one star ratings in a row. I'll bet my entire pipe and tobacco collection most of those one star reviewers never smoked it. And unfortunately, they convinced the retailer not to carry it, even though I said I'd buy a few tubs if he did.
Here's what "Gillywalker" wrote: "Now I'm a relatively new pipe smoker but I had trouble detecting any taste from this blend. I had trouble detecting any aroma from this blend as well. There was a strong grapelike aroma from the tub but nothing overly powerful once lit. I got a tongue bite from this blend and I will not be buying anymore of it." One guy said it tasted "flat." Impossible! The aroma out of the tub and from the smoke is sweet and kinda strong.
I don't get tongue bite from it. If this guy did, he was smoking faster than a speeding bullet. That aside, there's no way in God's Green Earth any human being could miss the strong flavor of this mixture unless his nose was glued to his posterior. It leaves a strong room note and is fairly well cased with what I think is a whiskey topping. The aroma when you open the tub is very strong. The reviewer mentioned "grapelike" [sic] only because he read somewhere the now-discredited myth that grape juice was added to the blend. Pure horse hockey! He never smoked this tobacco. It's people like this who hurt our hobby.
Why am I making a big deal out of it, besides the obvious reasons? It'd be nice to buy something I like from a businessman I respect, and get a discount at the same time, which is very important in these times. Pipestud only gave it two stars (I gave it four), but he gave honest reasons for his opinion, which we can all respect, whether we agree or disagree with him. Everybody wants to read reviews by someone who gave the tobacco a fair chance, no matter the final opinion. And in this case, that was hampered by people who don't realize or care about the effects of what they do. I think some of those people just wrote reviews to jack up their review count. We've all seen that from time to time on TR.



Sultan of Smoke
Aug 31, 2012
It had, but Sutliff brought it back some years ago, though they've never promoted it. Because I want to continue smoking it, I thought I'd help bring some attention to it. I think the blend deserves it. There are better mild aros and there are much. much worse ones, and to my way of thinking, EGR should get more notice. I think if aros lovers try it, most of them will like it. Of the seven people I gave/traded samples to, two bought a tub, and another is going to when he starts his new job. The only complaint I heard was from one guy who isn't into aros much, so he thought it was a little too sweet for him. The others liked it.



May 25, 2012
It had, but Sutliff brought it back some years ago, though they've never promoted it.
That also explains why the Sutliff rep was involved in this, which didn't make obvious sense, to me at least.



Might Stick Around
Feb 3, 2013
I smoked the sample of Edward G Robinson that Jiminks so generously provided me with, and its some really good stuff, a nice light note when you first open it, and the very light smell carries over into the first few minutes of the bowl, its seems to be a nice basic tobacco at first, but the more I had of it, the flavors grew in complexity and depth, some of it is hard for me to put a finger on, but after 4-5 decent bowls of it, in a range of different pipes,briar,meer,cob. This is some good stuff, I plan on a few tubs of it as soon as I am able, and I certainly hope that it grows in popularity as more people try it.

If they had named it some new fangled cool/hip/modern name now it might take off faster, but its definitely a keeper once you try some of it.

The small tins would be a good idea, just to get it out there faster.

Good memories of this tobacco and want more as soon as I can swing it



Dec 28, 2011
Topeka, KS
I'm not a big fan of aros but I do admire folks willing to throw down for something they believe in.
Your OP in no way came across as an advertisement. In fact, it was much more like a fellow trying to keep his favorite brand alive and there's not a damned thing wrong with that kind of thinking and editorializing.
Cheers to you for fighting the good fight. I wish you the best of luck.



Sultan of Smoke
Aug 31, 2012
That's exactly the way I feel about it. Thank you very much for your kind words and support.



Sultan of Smoke
Aug 31, 2012
One thing I've never mentioned is that EGR smokes better in a decent size bowl than a small one. The bigger bowl gives you a chance to experience the various flavors. Either way, it's become my favorite aro, surpassing SWRA in my book. As many of you know, I tend to be a Virginia/Perique smoker, but this stuff is addictive.



Can't Leave
Nov 10, 2012
I tried to get an online carrier who gives a discount to carry Edward G. Robinson pipe tobacco.

he didn't think it was a good tobacco because it got several bad reviews on TR, and didn't want to carry a bad tobacco
I find that strange, because he carries Velvet, Middleton's Cherry blend and, Mixture 79, all of which have as bad or worse reviews than EGR.



Sultan of Smoke
Aug 31, 2012

I agree with you. Especially Mixture 79, which is infamous for being a terrible tobacco. And EGR has a number of good reviews, too. The problem is not enough people have heard of EGR, or know much about it. The blend deserves better than that, which is why I'm trying to draw some attention to it. If you want an aro with good flavor that doesn't bite, you can't go wrong with EGR, in my opinion. Because it has a light plum taste (probably due to how the black cavendish is processed), I'd think Plumcake smokers might like it, too.



Jul 2, 2010

So, Jiminks, is this the EGR you are talking about? Is it the new version, old version, same version, what version?
After reading your posts, I just had to find some of this. So, I stopped by my local B&M. Asked if he had EGR? Why, yes, he says. I think I do. I've had it here for a while though. You might not want it. Don't knolw how old it is. It could be a little dry, he says.
He blew off some dust from the top of the tub.
I bought it on the spot. It says it was blended by Sutliff. The plastic tub is yellowed, as is the EGR label. The only thing not yellowing on the tub is the bright red lid.
Just wondering what your thoughts might be on this litttle find. It still had dust all over it when I grabbed it off the shelf.



Sultan of Smoke
Aug 31, 2012

Yes, that's the one! Sutliff brought the blend back some years ago after it had been discontinued. I'll bet it's even better with some age on it, you lucky dog! :D Have you tried it yet?



Jul 2, 2010

Not yet. It has been raining cats, dogs and frogs here in Tenn today. We are getting the tail of the dragon that whipped through Oklahoma. Flash floods and the like.
It is supposed to be sunny tomorrow and EGR will fill a meer and it'll be deck time, pipe time, and my time.



Sultan of Smoke
Aug 31, 2012
Let us know what you think when you get to smoke. Hope you stay safe in the storm.



Sultan of Smoke
Aug 31, 2012
A friend in another pipe site to whom I sent a sample just told me he's buying a tub. That makes 5 now. :D Btw, Iwan Reis and Mars Cigars carry EGR.



May 17, 2011
Northern New Jersey
Looks intreguing. I'll have to try some. Love Edward G. Robinson's movies. Seen almost everyone. Read up a bit on his pipe collection too a while back. Plum sounds good.



Sultan of Smoke
Aug 31, 2012
I'll be very interested to know what you think when you get it. It has a great after taste, too.
Yeah, I've seen nearly all of EGR's movies. Great actor. Here's a funny side story about him: one of my art teachers in college was painting in France in the late 1960s, when he saw EGR walking out of an art gallery. He runs across the street, goes up to Robinson, and sticks his index finger out like his hand was a gun, and said, "Drop dat gat, Louie!" Robinson got a good laugh out of that, and my former teacher got his autograph!

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