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Dec 8, 2020
East Coast USA
I like EGR, it is a nice smoke. I want to try Granger, as I have enjoyed all the codger blends I have tried thus far.

I don't know if it is too many years of Army mess halls, or what, but my taste buds aren't that picky. So while I have my short list of blends I love, I pretty much like everything I have tried. Except 1792. That one I did not like. Burned me like a Bangkok hussy.

I’d give anything to enjoy Army Mess once again. It becomes a part of you and feels like home, to me. Army chipped beef in the mornings.

I pride myself on being a simple bastard. I’ve always appreciated the simplest pleasures.

Granger is my comfort Tobacco. But, take that from a man who likes Army chow.


Sultan of Smoke
Aug 31, 2012
I drink black coffee, take me whisky neat and I enjoy the flavor of Burley tobacco.

Just read JimInks latest review where tasted - sweet barbecue, herbs, nuts, lemon, sugar, bread, fruit and toast, all of which I doubt are, “in there”

I taste “marshmallow”

I don't know what review you are referring to, but you can believe or not believe as you choose.

You may indeed taste marshmallow, but the retired blender at Sutliff who was in change of EGR told me what was in it, and there is no marshmallow. But genetics and body chemistry may cause you to think so.


Sultan of Smoke
Aug 31, 2012
I don't know what review you are referring to, but you can believe or not believe as you choose.

You may indeed taste marshmallow, but the retired blender at Sutliff who was in change of EGR told me what was in it, and there is no marshmallow. But genetics and body chemistry may cause you to think so.
"in charge", not "in change". His name is Carl McAllister, and he blended for Sutliff for 37 years until his retirement.


Dec 8, 2020
East Coast USA
JimInks , you said, “You don't taste marshmallow because there's none of it there. You taste cinnamon because it is there.”

JimInks... f you can taste
sweet barbecue, herbs, nuts, lemon, sugar, bread, fruit and toast in describing a blend....then I tasted “marshmallow” Period.

I am pointing out to you the hypocracy of your statement.
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Sultan of Smoke
Aug 31, 2012
JimInks , you said, “You don't taste marshmallow because there's none of it there. You taste cinnamon because it is there.”

JimInks... f you can taste
sweet barbecue, herbs, nuts, lemon, sugar, bread, fruit and toast in describing a blend....then I tasted “marshmallow” Period.

I am pointing out to you the hypocracy of your statement.
Please don't use meanings of words whose meaning you clearly do not understand. Have a nice day.


Dec 8, 2020
East Coast USA
Please don't use meanings of words whose meaning you clearly do not understand. Have a nice day.

Now there you go again. Your initial comment, presupposed, for some unexplainable reason, that I actually believed that EGR was blended with marshmallow.

I’m still SMH on that one.

Your second supposition was that I was disparaging one of your reviews. Nonsense. I love your reviews.

Taste is subjective. All I said, in “my review” was that EGR gave me a marshmallow taste that I remembered from Capt Black Regular and “marshmallow” is the last taste I ever want to come from my pipe. I’m entitled to say so, without snide commentary.

Your third and hopefully final incorrect supposition is that an English Major cannot understand the meaning of your words.

Now this may go down in Pipes Magazine Forum History as the Fabled Marshmallow Incident.

But I’m I hoping we can be friends in our shared hobby. I’d like that, Jim.
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Jan 25, 2019
Philadelphia Suburbs, Pennsylvania
... Now this may go down in Pipes Magazine Forum History as the Fabled Marshmallow Incident...
Shouldn't that more properly be: 'The Inflamed Marshmallow Incident' ? While you fellas sort out the wrinkles in each others panties, I, for one, am going to order myself some EGR right now; based-off of both of your reviews... and then, I will be back to school both of you on the real story with this blend - maybe. :LOL: - Your Peace-Pipe Loving Pal - Sherm Natman
Last edited:


Sultan of Smoke
Aug 31, 2012


Dec 8, 2020
East Coast USA
As for the Marshmallow incident, Billy Martin beat us to it many years ago. Old time baseb fans will know what I mean by that, lol.

Everything is okay between us.

Well in Billy’s defense, he was outside of NYC proper and left unsupervised. Billy’s fingers never left his hand. By all accounts an honest farmer; a victim of rumors, lies and viscious inuendo, all and yet none of it true. He’d been drinking, yes, but denied everything and lodged counter complaints. The Mallow Salesman assaulted poor Billy with an ashtray! Boy what any of us would give to see public ashtrays again!


Sep 21, 2020
North Carolina
Shouldn't that more properly be: 'The Inflamed Marshmallow Incident' ? While you fellas sort out the wrinkles in each others panties, I, for one, am going to order myself some EGR right now; based-off of both of your reviews... and then, I will be back to school both of you on the real story with this blend - maybe. :LOL: - Your Peace-Pipe Loving Pal - Sherm Natman
You won't regret it, it's a good blend. Man...I opened up a can of worms with the mention of cinnamon.


Dec 8, 2020
East Coast USA
You won't regret it, it's a good blend. Man...I opened up a can of worms with the mention of cinnamon.

Hey FurCoat!
No you didnt, Fur, I was responding to Gamzulovah and I cited JimInks many flavor descriptions to make my point to Gamz.

JimI thought I was talking to him. The rest as they say, is history.

So your not the shit-stirrer In this thread. It was me, Charles Bronson and Billy Martin.

I hope Sherm likes EGR. I now have some to trade.

On a positive note, my four cans of Granger arrived today. They put a white warning label on this new batch and shrunk the dog to do it! Why????


Sep 21, 2020
North Carolina
Hey FurCoat!
No you didnt, Fur, I was responding to Gamzulovah and I cited JimInks many flavor descriptions to make my point to Gamz.

JimI thought I was talking to him. The rest as they say, is history.

So your not the shit-stirrer In this thread. It was me, Charles Bronson and Billy Martin.

I hope Sherm likes EGR. I now have some to trade.

On a positive note, my four cans of Granger arrived today. They put a white warning label on this new batch and shrunk the dog to do it! Why????
It's all good...I've seen worse on here...lol. I know what you mean though when a blend takes an unexpected turn. Autum Evening tastes like celery to me, go figure.
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