Great post MSO. I've had an eBay account for about 4 years and completed just over 150 transactions as a buyer and seller, mostly pipe related. I find eBay to be a good reflection of what it is in reality, if you think about it; a huge company that provides a platform which offers visibility for buyers and sellers all over the world. Unless you open a dispute case, you are dealing with the rest of the world, not eBay. Some people are excellent to deal with and some others are a pain, just like in real life. I find it easier to be the buyer than the seller as it is easier to do your research on something you're buying. When you are the seller, I find it very difficult to screen out undesirable buyers. As a buyer, I have been burned 2 or 3 times but it was my own fault. Sometimes it is easy to get carried away trying to differentiate a diamond in the rough from a piece of garbage. I've had lots of pleasant surprises though, making those 2 or 3 bad times totally worth the whole experience. When you are selling estate pipes, eBay is like going to school; you will learn a lot! You will get to deal with extremely picky buyers who expect every estate pipes to be in pristine shape (almost better than new). They can smoke the pipe for a while and want their money back when they realize the pipe is not a "magic pipe" and it is very difficult for you to prove that they did. I've had many pleasant transactions happen with fantastic buyers from around the world who understand the estate market but I had this one time with a buyer from Russia that made me learn a lot. The pipe was a beautiful Stanwell straight grain in superb condition and the buyer sent me a message over a month after I had shipped the pipe, claiming there was a burned spot at the bottom of the bowl making the pipe unsmokable. I was shocked and took the blame upon myself thinking that I must have missed it, so I refunded the person for the initial shipping cost + their cost of shipping the pipe back to me, by fear of a negative feedback... When it got back here (almost 3 months after I had shipped it), it had obviously been smoked but there was absolutely nothing wrong with this pipe. I refurbished it and thanks to the pipe gods, it is now one of my best smokers for virginia flakes! I blocked that buyer from ever buying again from me and learned to step up my game with a set of rules and also there are certain countries where I will not ship unless I can clearly see the buyer has good intentions. I use eBay to get estate pipes for restoration projects and also to trim down the herd when it gets too big. I don't sell very often but once or twice a year I will put 15-20 pipes on there. Overall I would say I am 97% satisfied. If you buy, ask questions and listen to you inner feelings. If you sell, post quality pictures including the inside of the bowl and mortise & tenon and a very detailed description including weight and measurements. Package well, ship fast and use Paypal only.