Ebay auctions with reserve

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May 26, 2012
Sarasota Florida
Mike, lol, I can now sleep soundly knowing I have not incurred your wrath. I have actually passed on a few Rad's because they were too light. I like my pipes to be in the 40-50 gram range as anything less than 40 is just too light for my teeth and you know how I am about a pipe sitting properly in my teeth. :P

Dec 24, 2012
Ebay reserve auctions signal to me that the seller is chicken shit. I won't buy from a seller who lacks confidence in what he is selling.
Grow some balls or get off of ebay, I say.
Peck out.

Dec 24, 2012
Mike I was trying to stir the shit and get you all wound up, lol. Looks like I succeeded.
In all seriousness though, presumably you ask your clients if they want a listing on ebay, no? Presumably they could decide whether they wanted a reserve or were ok with no reserve?



Jul 4, 2014
Ebay should not allow reserves - buyers should have 3 choices - bid - buy now or make an offer - it's easy. Most people love to bid - a lot like the buy now or make an offer.

Have never met anyone who likes reserve. The sellers really don't need reserve when they have buy now or make an offer. If they are smart - the buyer would set the buy now price at 30% more than what they really want - gives them room to move and if you price it right - you can have free shipping - they just need to know the highest shipping cost in the continental U.S. - that is what is included in the buy now price. They can make a little money on the shipping if the buyer lives near the "from" shipping point.

Most people are looking for a "deal" or they have to feel like they got a "deal". If the item is a high demand - high quality item - people are willing to pay for it - example:

Erik Nording pipe - smoking one right now - PS Balkan Supreme - purchased it on ebay - loved the look of it - paid a reasonable price - even paid a fair price on shipping -

some of the sellers try to nail you with shipping & handling - that's BS. you should pay "postage" and that's it! Some of the ebay sellers are physco - trying to rip people off.

No disrespect to Mr. Glukler our senior member - however - I doubt our conversation will change ebay - as Chris Preferred Member says - it's the buyers choice - bid or don't bid - buy or don't buy. PROFIT IS NOT A DIRTY WORD!!! Make it a GREAT 2014!



Oct 20, 2010
Reserve or no reserve. I bid what I am willing to pay. One bid. Granted, I rarely win an auction.



May 11, 2013
I used to sell sports cars on EBay. My highest sale was just over 58k on a '59 Vette....that started at $1 with a 50k reserve. I don't sell pipes on EBay...don't think it's a good way to market new pipes....



Jun 23, 2014
Virginia, USA
As strictly a buyer on eBay, my views have changed over the decade or so I have been actively buying pipe related items there. Originally, it was about the thrill of the chase and I didn't see many reserve auctions. As I have grown older aged, eBay has matured from a small auction site to a truly huge auction site with a much larger variety of types of items and many making it a significant portion of their income stream. I honestly now look at eBay like an Amazon.com with a leaning towards the renowned, odd, obscure, etc. I come looking to buy, hoping for the steal sure, but willing to pay a fair price for fair value. If that means a reserve, so be it. I know what the maximum I am willing to pay and put that in the ol' snipe program. If I win it great, if not I know I offered my best price so no tears.
I think we all know that eBay can be a total crap shoot. A seller can make a fortune or much more often lose their shirt. If a seller has something they feel is worth X or they need to recover X and want to achieve at least that the reserve is the best way. If it sells, at a minimum they get their X, and possibly much more, and if it doesn't sell at worst they are only out the fees and their time. As a wet shaver, if I were to sell some of my items on eBay some would be no reserve, but some would need a reserve to avoid a serious loss that can and does happen. I see a reserve as a completely reasonable, and common, technique in both the online and in person auctions.



Might Stick Around
Nov 3, 2013
How things are listed on eBay don't matter to me. If I want it I'll punch in what I'm willing to pay. If I get it, good. I don't bid twice.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Sep 5, 2013
I just looked at the pipe it is at $7.50 with 4 bidders. That means there is at least 4 people out there that wants a nice pipe for less than a tin of tobacco. That could be why the seller sees a reason for a reserve.

Apr 26, 2012
Washington State
@txbeerboy - its at that price because the buyer started the auction out at .99. He should have started it at a much higher price, because I'm guessing he wants a couple hundred dollars for it since there is an identical one listed with a buy it now price of $750.
I don't care for reserve auctions either, because the seller is demanding a price that may not be fair market value for the item. He should have just put in a buy it now option.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Sep 5, 2013
I looked at the bidding again and the first guy bid $5.00 the second guy $2.00 more and the third guy $0.50 more than the last. Looks like they want something for nothing and a reserve might protect a seller from big spenders like these.

Apr 26, 2012
Washington State
Sometimes people just throw low prices out there to see if the bid sticks or if they get an outbid notice. If they're really interested in the pipe they'll bid again, but of course they're going to low ball as long as they can.



Staff member
May 11, 2011
Covington, Louisiana
If you are going to sell a pipe at auction, wtih no reserve, you better know what the pipe is worth. Most of my pipes are sold as BIN, because I have a pretty good idea on the value. Am I possibly losing money by an overly enthusiastic bidder who just has to have that pipe? - absolutely. "Deals" as Mike G describes usually don't happen with reserve auctions. If that doesn't work for you, just skip those auctions.



Dec 5, 2012
Bronx, NY
This is an excellent discussion, and I'm enjoying it.
I have recently discussed pipe selling on ebay with a known seller who has helped me on the three esoteric jewelry machines I've sold on ebay. I was happy to get rid of them, but after all of the fees, well, I wondered if it was worth it.
He pointed out that ebay is extremely buyer friendly. There were instances where even though the item was described perfectly, the buyer returned it claiming that it wasn't what was described, most likely for a BS reason. Probably buyers remorse. In another instance, because the seller forgot to have added a 'sign for' option in the shipping, the buyer claimed he didn't get it, and my friend suffered the loss.

In any case, the back and forth that went on to me just isn't worth it to me as a seller. Even though I have more stuff to sell, I just can't get the oomph up to deal with it.
Being a seller is not easy, and ebay charges hefty fees, including fees on shipping.
I don't think anyone is making a 'killing' using this vehicle. IMHO.



Might Stick Around
May 21, 2014

I noticed your use of the adjective "whining". I've read all the posts and don't see any "whining". I see people expressing their opinions. You, of course, are free to express yours and to sell pipes any way you want.

My original thought was simply that having a reserve defeats the "spirit" of auctions.

FYI, I've sold over 20,000 items on e-bay and I start my auctions at the bottom line price I'm willing to accept. I've done auctions starting at .99 cents and on 2 occasions have had them end at .99 cents. I promptly shipped out the items and chalked it up to advertising costs because I know I've gotten more people following me and looking at my items since there is the possibility of getting a "home run" deal.

If i ever sold on consignment, I'd never offer the item at less than FMV unless the owner explicitly agreed to take the gamble.

As for best offers, I respond to every offer I receive. I thank the. Person for their interest and propose a counter offer if necessary. I don't view any offer as insulting and on 3 occasions, I've had offers of $1.00 on items that I countered as described above and sold the item. You never know and it costs nothing to be polite and responsive.

All of the above is my opinion and I started this post to see what everyone else thinks and to see if I needed to change my thinking on this subject.

Finally, like any other E-commerce platform, eBay has great, good & bad sellers and buyers. As with anything else, a little "homework" and common sense goes a long way.

I've enjoyed reading all the comments.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Sep 5, 2013
I am guessing but I think a seller that puts a reserve on an item is saying it is for sell, but I am not going to just give it away. If your are selling something with out knowing the value put a reserve at what the item is worth to you.



Staff member
May 11, 2011
Covington, Louisiana
Of course live auctions have always had items with a "Reserve". You don't want to sell a $60,000 Plymouth 'Cuda for $20k....
I recently sold a '66 Triumph chopper on Ebay. Those kind of custom vehicles are so difficult to price, I just did the BIN with an offer and it sold. I think my fees were $126 for a $4k sale? For that type of item, I could have spent years trying to sell it locally.

Dec 24, 2012
Come on peck …. Go for it. Why not list something of yours on E-Bay and see how you fair?
Mike, I was busting your balls to get a rise out of you. Boy, did I ever succeed, lol. Clearly this is a sensitive issue for you. I didn't want to post that provocation but Harris made me do it.
If I had something of value to sell I would try it.

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