Well I was looking through some of the member's albums that were posted in the Photo Albums Thread, and I stumbled upon Ejames's album. In his album I found these amazing pipe tampers...
After seeing these I was inspired to try my hand at making one. Lucky for me I have a couple pipes that have large cracks in the bowls and are useless for smoking. So I grabbed a pipe, cut the stem from the bowl, and glued in a pipe nail. Here is the result...
Of course mine doesn't look anywhere near as nice as the ones ejames owns, but for 20 minutes of work, I think it turned out great!
After seeing these I was inspired to try my hand at making one. Lucky for me I have a couple pipes that have large cracks in the bowls and are useless for smoking. So I grabbed a pipe, cut the stem from the bowl, and glued in a pipe nail. Here is the result...
Of course mine doesn't look anywhere near as nice as the ones ejames owns, but for 20 minutes of work, I think it turned out great!