I have recently begun buying tobacco from EA Carey and very good it is too, in my opinion. A good range and quality, Danish made mostly, I think. You can also join their Tobacco Club if you want to make regular orders of tobacco.The service is excellent. They sell a range of pipes, from a wide variety of makers, including Savinelli, Peterson, Dr. Plumb, Vauen and Dunhill, but in small quantity. The largest grouping of pipes is their own brand. The 'Magic Inch' is a useful little piece of paper, columnar, which slips over the insert in the stem. It absorbs the moisture and tar. It does help to produce a dry smoke and needs replacing after every smoke. I have a couple of their pipes which are light in weight and pleasant enough. However, as with everything, what you pay for is what you get. The cheaper pipes I find to be a bit plasticky and almost toy like. Their higher range stuff looks good. Prices vary. The firm also sells a lot of accessories and a small range of cigars. They are worth investigating. The website is attractive and you can also receive a hard copy catalogue. I recommend them, particularly in regard to their tobacco, which I love and the quality of their service, which is personalised and direct. Good luck in your explorations!