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Part of the Furniture Now
Jul 14, 2011
I tried the Kindle and did not like it. Returned it and bought a Samsung Galaxy Tab. Same size and makes an awesome reader. I find that I read more with the E-Readers than I did with books.



Jul 31, 2010
Bethlehem, Pa.
Love my Kindle. With so many "books" priced at $0.99 it's a better deal than the used book store; although we frequent that place quite often too.



Jan 17, 2010
woodlands tx
My better half never puts down her Nook , I still prefer a hard bound . I mounted Android to a SD card for her but she never uses it . Why does this sound dirty ? :roll:



Part of the Furniture Now
Apr 6, 2012
If you watch Amazon the run many deals for free books that go for 5-20 dollars normally.

It's usually a 1 day sale then the book goes back up.
Love my Kindle. With so many "books" priced at $0.99 it's a better deal than the used book store; although we frequent that place quite often too.



Jun 27, 2012
I just can't get into e-reading. I need a book or my mind starts wandering while I'm reading. I always have to print hard copies off at work or I can't absorb anything. My wife swears by her Nook and laughs at me when I take multiple books on a trip. I read a lot of graphic novels and trade paperback comics. There's nothing like holding the artwork in your hands, especially when you account for the fact each panel is placed in specific order in relation the the panels on both pages and moves your eyes through the book.
Besides there's that awesome feeling when your kid stumbles across an old book in the basement by chance and wants to read it.



Staff member
May 11, 2011
Covington, Louisiana
I read avidly as well. I resisted the e-book for a long time. A buddy gave me a first-gen Kindle his wife had and I never looked back, now using it daily. Mine is not back-lit or in color, but for books, wonderful. I can't imagine NOT having this item now. The old Kindle is easy to load books on and has an SD slot. My kids rec'd new Kindle fires from me for Christmas (why is it always that way?). They love them for books, magazines, movies, etc. Honestly, I can't see watching a movie on something like that, but for this generation it is the norm.
When I rec'd mine, I was halfway thru the new King novel, 11-23-63 which is about 1,200 pages and like holding two bricks. The Kindle was a joy.
I still want a hard book for reference,etc but for literature, the Kindle or similar is the way to go.



Jan 25, 2012
I'm old fashioned in alot of ways and I resisted the ebook like many of you guys. Then I got a basic kindle and instantly fell in love with it. I like being able to change fonts/sizes and spacing. Last Christmas I got the Kindle Fire and love it for books and web browsing. Like Spyder says above I too read more now with a e-reader than I have in years. My original Kindle did not have a backlight so I didn't like that for reading in bed at night but it was better outside. The Fire lets me adjust the brightness for reading outside at night or in bed. I can also choose the color of the background which is kind of neat. Plain black text on white or brown text on a parchment yellow colored page. I like to use the parchment for reading history or the old classics.
The expression: A good book plays out like a movie in your head has never been more true for me.



Staff member
May 11, 2011
Covington, Louisiana
My original Kindle did not have a backlight so I didn't like that for reading in bed at night but it was better outside.
I with my first gen Kindle had a backlight. I was traveling last week, drove past a beautiful park in NJ on a warm night. I had my pipe, Kindle and keep a folding chair in the trunk. I turned on my Sirius app on the phone, lit my pipe and read my Kindle until it got dark. I'd probably still be there if I had a backlight!



Might Stick Around
Apr 27, 2012
I prefer hardbacks for my theological reading as they tend to become reference books, and like others I love the feel of a real book.
However, I use a Sony E-Reader for everything else. You can't beat it for holidays away and I too find a single charge lasts a fortnight.



Might Stick Around
Aug 26, 2011
I don't read many books, although I'd like to. For some reason I can't get comfortable HOLDING a book and that really just makes me want to put it down. My girlfriends father happens to have a Kindle (not sure what generation), and it felt fantastic in my hand. I went through the first couple "pages" of what he was reading just to see if it would strain my eyes at all, but nope.
To be quite honest, this thread has reminded me of how much I'd like one and now I've got to save up. THANKS! :lol:



Jul 27, 2012
For what it's worth, I do all of my book reading on my iPod Touch (same as the iPhone). Prolly seems strange, but you can easily change the size of the fonts—I find it highly readable.
And there are no restrictions on the type of books you can get. I get free books from Project Gutenberg, plus there are free programs you can use to convert any PDF into a book. Not sure if you can do this on the Kindle, but I like the idea of e-Ink and if you're an avid reader, I can see that being a major advantage.



Staff member
May 11, 2011
Covington, Louisiana
If you have an e-reader,get the "Calibre E-book Management" program. It is free and converts anything into the various e-book formats. My first gen Kindle only uses MOBI, so I generally have to convert (form Epub, PDF, etc.). It works great.




Sep 27, 2011
I have the Kindle DX with the larger screen and just love it.
For me, it is all about the e-ink screen which has the reflectivity of paper.

Very easy on the eyes and the battery life is ridiculous .
Also, I liked the idea of paying one price and being able to download books thru Amazon's Whispernet, which is basically an AT&T cellular data connection that is included in the price. No Wi Fi connection needed, just download wherever and whenever you want.
I have found that I am not I am not only reading more ( always have something interesting) , but I am also experiencing a broader range of authors due to the large amount of free and introductory material that is available.



Dec 25, 2010
Columbus, Ohio
I checked out the Android hack for the Nook and Amazon sells as SD chip that has the Android OS already installed. When you turn the Nook on, it gives you the option of booting into the Nook or Android and turning Nook into a tablet. Then I could download the Kindle app for Android and get books from both sources. I will let you know how it works out. Plus by using the SD Card, it will not void the warranty for the Nook.



Mar 9, 2010
I also use Calibre. A great piece of software. All my books are in epub format.
I did check out the Sony e-ink reader in a store but I didn't really like it - the page turning was slow and the screen so-so. I still prefer iBooks on the iPad. I like to play with the animated page turn while reading (much like I used to when reading paper books).



Can't Leave
Jul 9, 2012
Have used two of the Sony line of readers. Even though their store leaves a lot to be desired, the unit itself is awesome. Can read most any format and if it can't Calibre usually can change it. I do however utilize an older Viewsonic g-tablet modded with a great Vegan build of Android to catch up on comics and such.



May 26, 2012
Sarasota Florida
I have the Samsung Galaxy with the Kindle app and I cannot use anything else to read now. The lighting, font size, ease of use and ordering of books, all make it a must for me.

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