E-Cigs Linked To "Popcorn Lung"

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Apr 24, 2015
It just irritates these Nazis to no end that someone should find it recreational to blow smoke of any sort.
What's really odd is that the vast majority of smoke Nazi's have no problem with potheads.
I guess if smoking makes you lazy and dependent on the government, they're all for it. :)



Feb 13, 2013
Winnipeg, Canada
No science is infallable, all it is, is a theory that is generally accepted until it can be disproven. If people want to vape that's their choice but I find most people believe it's a healthy alternative to smoking, which has now proven to be wrong. It could turn out to be less dangerous than smoking, or it could turn out to be more dangerous than smoking, as when you quit smoking your lungs will regenerate if there isn't too much damage done to begin with. I'm sure big tobacco is funding alot of these studies, but to make a link between workers at popcorn factories and e-cigs that are using the same chemical is pretty damning.



Feb 13, 2013
Winnipeg, Canada
What's really odd is that the vast majority of smoke Nazi's have no problem with potheads.
I guess if smoking makes you lazy and dependent on the government, they're all for it
This is exactly it, drug users in general are more concerned with where they get their next good supply from or a way of getting some kind of currency to trade for the supply than with what is happening in the government or in the country. When I used to take lsd and ecstacy my beliefs were pretty far left aethiest, now that I occasionally smoke pot I'm right wing conservative Catholic. Once you get harder drugs though like heroin/cocaine/meth all that a person cares about is drugs and not political ideology at all.



Staff member
Aug 9, 2013
Between the Heart of Alabama and Hot Springs NC
I'm not sold on a vast connection between smoke Nazis and pot smokers. Maybe where you guys are, but in Alabama the smoke Nazis are generally church folks, parents, and conservative. Yeh, the liberals too, but we don't have many liberals down here. They tend to move on further West when they come of age. We are a fairly homogenized state. Sure, smoking is more tolerated in general, but every now and then a state senator's wife gets a wild hair...



Jun 3, 2015
Cosmic I think when you lay the line down "After they grab your cigarette, what are they coming for next, Your Healthcare Insurance?" Those conservatives have an :idea:



Jul 21, 2015
Maybe where you guys are, but in Alabama the smoke Nazis are generally church folks, parents, and conservative. Yeh, the liberals too, but we don't have many liberals down here.
Often conservatives are secretly liberals, especially when mass-culture interpretations of Jesus get bandied about.
These are the same people who protest Satanic temples and zombie nativity scenes.



Can't Leave
Apr 22, 2015
It should be noted that only flavoured (with Diacetyl) e-cigs have this issue.

I'm not sure why many are pleased that they are bad for you.... I for one will be giving up real cigs in January and will be using e-cigs to help. It will be unflavoured and i will research to make sure it doesn't contain the offending chemical.
Anything to help people who choose to give up cigarettes should be welcomed as long as it is safe! It seems that the use of a chemical already known to cause illness was a negligent oversight by Health authorities when these products were licensed for sale.
I also think confusing the "smoking Nazis" with "pothead liberals" made be laugh. You couldn't get further from Liberalism than Nazi-ism!! You can't just group everyone you disagree with into a single category! It's a little more complex than that IMHO....



Apr 24, 2015
You couldn't get further from Liberalism than Nazi-ism!!
You should read up more on what the Nazi's actually were.
I'm making the assumption you are not talking about "classic liberals", but rather modern liberals/leftists/socialists, who are almost indistinguishable from Nazi's in their political philosophy.



Part of the Furniture Now
Sep 13, 2015
I for one will be giving up real cigs in January and will be using e-cigs to help
As a long time smoker who tried it once....just go cold turkey if you're going to. The ideal of wanting to quit is all you need, if you don't have the willpower to begin with the e-cigs will just be a waste of money. It's like....I'm addicted to pain pills, let me start taking methadone.....just ease off, then quit.
I am not going to touch the topic and rant...just going to say it would be nice to search tobacco shops and not get "vape" stores and "head shops"



Jul 21, 2015
As I understand it, Nazism was an attempt to adapt right-wing philosophies to the left-wing method of ideology.
I wouldn't call it either right or left.
Classical liberalism is a lot like libertarianism, but they were pretty Nazi in their own right:



Feb 13, 2013
Winnipeg, Canada
As I understand it, Nazism was an attempt to adapt right-wing philosophies to the left-wing method of ideology.

You are correct. Socialism only works when you have a common people that have common values.
Our movement took a grip on cowardly Marxism and from it extracted the meaning of socialism. It also took from the cowardly middle-class parties their nationalism. Throwing both into the cauldron of our way of life there emerged, as clear as a crystal, the synthesis -- German National Socialism.- Hermann Goering
Classical liberalism is a lot like libertarianism, but they were pretty Nazi in their own right:
This is true as well,



Jun 30, 2015
I had a history teacher in college that liked to say that political philosophies can be lined up on a circle. Independents are the north pole, liberals phase to the west(left), conservatives to the east(right), socialism then communism towards the southwest and fascism to the south east. Keep getting more extreme on each side and they become very similar towards the south pole.



Jun 3, 2015
You guys need to read Liberal Fascism by Jonah Goldberg. Put aside all bias. His thesis is correct. Fascism is Marxism. It's collectivism. Nazisim was a bit more difficult to pin down, as it is really Hitlerism. Cult of personality stuff. There is no circle in political philosophy. Extreme Left is Totalitarian in all its forms, while extreme right is Anarchy. American Constitution and her system veers toward as little government as possible. So the Constitution is a Conservitive document.



Part of the Furniture Now
Mar 10, 2015
You'll break your brain trying to fit all these disparate political and economic persuasions on one axis, and anyone who tries to do it is grinding their own axe. And no-ones even mentioned one of the major ones--nationalism. Fascism is not necessarily Marxism. Hitler was the fascist par excellence, and was about as far from Marxism as you can get. Did he believe in uniting a worldwide proletariat? No, he was a nationalist. Did he believe in the abolition of private property? No, he was a socialist. Did he believe that religion was the opiate of the masses? Well, perhaps; but if so he simply administered the drug himself.
Just one example. It's always more complicated than we want to believe it is.



Jul 29, 2014
NW Missouri
"Popcorn Lung" is not a description of what the chemical does to your lungs. The term arose from workers at a plant making artificial butter flavor who developed bronchiolitis obliterans. Wikipedia actually has a pretty good write-up:



Can't Leave
Apr 22, 2015
You should read up more on what the Nazi's actually were.
I'm making the assumption you are not talking about "classic liberals", but rather modern liberals/leftists/socialists, who are almost indistinguishable from Nazi's in their political philosophy.
I studied politics for 5 years - I really would rather not read any more political ideology essays, text books etc unless I have to. My reading has got a lot lighter since then!
I just take exception as a Liberal myself in being compared to the most evil regime (OK Mao and Stalin were also as evil) that ever governed a country. None of these extremist totalitarian states had a liberal bone in their body



Jun 3, 2015
People seem to forget that Lenin coined the termFascist to segregate his brand of Marxism from that of The Germans and Italians. The left likes to bury The fact that early 1900 Progressives inspired and admired Fascism as we know it. Eugenics and Hitler? Point to Margret Sanger. Hitler didn't support private property rights, he supported Nationalization of private property the economy. Which is socialism. If I woke up and found out that my favorite political ideaology was favored by Hitler, Stalin etc, I'd be in denial too. These are cold hard facts.
Yes Warren, Liberalism isn't totalitarian. Progressives are magnificent wordsmiths. Media and academic's plays a huge part of their form of Fascist plot.



Jun 3, 2015
By the way, there is a debate wether it was Lenin or Benito that coined that term Fascist. It doesn't matter, in the long run, it's totalitarian statism, with secular slant with the abolishment of private property rights secured by the state.

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