Many of us mention buying on the Bay but it is my understanding that the seller after a $600 limit, the feds will issue a 1099 that may complicate your tax picture. Let me know if I am wrong.
I did receive a 1099 for selling. Nothing on purchases - those are now taxed at the time of purchase. But I'm not sure I understand the phrasing of your question.
You are correct, the tax at time of sale by seller will cover on a state level. Federal income tax is due depending on your income level. It sounds like EBay has recently been required to report to the Feds over $600. All income will require keeping accurate records as to profit from sales going back 10 years. This fact will be explained in detail by the tax man at time of a potential audit. I am not a tax accountant perhaps one can jump in here.Tax is always due, whether you receive a 1099 or not. This shouldn’t be a change for tax filing assuming you were claiming income previously.
I’ve heard the 600 threshold … eBay is advocating for a higher number , vast majority of eBay sellers are under 3000 in salesAccording to their communications with me earlier this year, $20,000 in sales was the instigator.
Yep- $600.................. Sell one item in a year over $600 and the taxman cometh........... Creates a LOT of unnecessary paperwork, but hey, we got lots more IRS agents coming soon!!...........Still 600 as far as I can see from eBay itself . Pain in ass for small time sellers